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Best Book for looking up German Unit

Ciaran Byrne

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Can anyone recommend a book (in English) that give locations of German units on the Western Front?

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Can anyone recommend a book (in English) that give locations of German units on the Western Front?

There is a book, 'Histories of 251 Divisions of the German Army which participated in the War (1914-1918)' which might be of some interest to you. It was originally published in 1920 but was reprinted in 1989. It doesn't mention specific units, but it is a starting point. I know that Leeds University Library has a copy, so you might be able to get it through an inter library loan.

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Can anyone recommend a book (in English) that give locations of German units on the Western Front?

The Official Histories quite often go into some detail with regard to the German units and their movements etc.

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There is a book, 'Histories of 251 Divisions of the German Army which participated in the War (1914-1918)' which might be of some interest to you. It was originally published in 1920 but was reprinted in 1989. It doesn't mention specific units, but it is a starting point. I know that Leeds University Library has a copy, so you might be able to get it through an inter library loan.

Though not the "best" book, this is about the most accessable. It is available for purchase from the Naval and Military Press.


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Can anyone recommend a book (in English) that give locations of German units on the Western Front?

mister sheldon who is sometimes on this forum has written a book "the german army on the somme"

an old french man i know over 80 years old is reading this book and he told me than he never read something on the german army so wonderfully detailed.

he learned lots of things

a book to recommand to everyone !!!!


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There is the massive "Deutschlands Heere bis 1918." Will tell you where every unit was in detail.

It's very expensive though, about 70$ a volume if you buy it from Germany, 130$ if you buy it from a UK supplier.

Biblio Verlag, Osnabruck, Germany Hardcover Biblio Verlag, published from 1980 through 1984, 11 volumes. Volume1 - Die Garde und Grenadier Regimenter 1-12 der preußischen Armee 771 pp; Volume 2 - Die Infanterie- bzw. Füsilier-Regimenter 13-60 der preußischen Armee, 760 pp; Volume 3 - Die Infanterie-, Füsilier- bzw. Grenadier-Regimenter 61-99 der preußischen Armee, 542 pp; Volume4 -Die sächsischen Grenadier, Infanterie bzw. Schützen-(Füsilier-) Regimenter 100 - 108; die badischen Grenadier- bzw. Infanterie-Regimenter 109 - 114; die hessischen Leibgarde- bzw. Infanterie-Regimenter 115-118; die württembergischen Grenadier-, Füsilier- bzw. Infanterie-Regimenter 119 - 127, 504 pp; Volume 5 - Die Infanterie-Regimenter 128-182 der preußischen, sächsischen, badischen, hessischen und württembergischen Armee, sowie die Jager-Bataillone 1-15 und I.-III Seebataillon, 616 pp; Volume 6 - Kavallerie Regiment der Garde du Corps, Garde-Kurassier-Regiment, Leib-Kurassier- und Kurassier-Regimenter 1-8 und Sachsen: Garde-Reiter-Regiment und Karabiner-Regiment 1. und 2. Garde-Dragoner-Regimenter, Dragoner Regimenter 1-26, 779 pp; Volume 7 - Leibe-Garde-Husaren-Regiment, Leib-Husaren-Regiment, Husaren-Regimenter 1-20, 1.-3. Garde-Ulanen-Regimenter, Ulanen-Regimenter 1-21, Jager-Regimenter zu Pferde 1-13 und Reiterdes Feldjager Korps, 796 pp; Volume 8 - Feldartillerie und Fussartillerie, 620 pp; Volume 9 - Pioniere, 460 pp; Volume 10 - Bayern Infanterie-Leib-Regiment, Infanterie-Regimenter 1-23, Jager-Bataillone 1-2, 1. Maschinengewehrabteilung, 669 pp; Volume 11 - Bayern 1. und 2. Schweres Reiterregiment, 1. und 2. Ulanen-Regiment, 1.-8. Chevaulegers-Regiment, 1.-12. Feldartillerie-Regiment, 1.-3. Fussartillerie - Regiment, 1.-4. Pionier-Bataillon, 1.-3. Train-Abteilung, 1-2. Telegraphenbataillion, Eisenbahn-Bataillon, Luft und Kraftbataillon, Flieger-Bataillon. 590 pp.


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Paul, thank you for the tip about German suppliers. Do you have one or two that you could recommend - particularly suppliers who have a web service? This is a significant saving compared with getting it from the UK. I take it from the title that the series covers the history of the units up till 1918 - does the information predate the start of WW1 as well?

Apart from locations of units, what other information does a volume contain about a unit?

Many thanks


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One of the very best websites for German material (and not only that) is www.zvab.com It links thousands of sellers, who have millions of books for sale. I use it constantly. As of today thereare about 8 volumes of the 'Deutschland's Heere' series for sale - all at around €60 apiece.


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One of the very best websites for German material (and not only that) is www.zvab.com It links thousands of sellers, who have millions of books for sale. I use it constantly. As of today thereare about 8 volumes of the 'Deutschland's Heere' series for sale - all at around €60 apiece.


what would be the best book to find for the period of august 1918 in achiet le grand aera if there is one?


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