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My version 'by a Rifleman' [one Aubrey Smith] was a reprint paperback of over 400 dense pp. from N&M. The text has suffered from the repro. process but, that apart, I have found it an excellent read.

It is a day-by-day, blow-by-blow account by a middle-class office worker who rushed to join London Rifle Brigade as the war began, and who, failing to organise himself a commission, settled to become a battalion transport driver.

The life in the transport is very well described, and there are some good insights into tactics, strategy and what the soldiers thought.

This is a 'bottom up' view of battalion transport: for a top-down, see John Reith's 'Wearing Spurs'. Reith was for some time TO of a famous TF battalion and later became Lord Reith of BBC fame.

I can recommend the book without reservation: it 'does exactly what it says on the tin'. Indispensable for Battalion Transport and Horse [and packhorse etc] buffs.

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Nothing to add except that it should be on the bookshelf of anybody interested in WW1 from the ordinary soldier's point of view.

Interesting bit at the end about being demobbed at Crystal Palace.

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