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Finding RFC / RAF and RNVR Medal Cards

David T

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I'm trying to help a friend find information about his Father and Grandfather, both of who served during the First World War. I've been onto the Medal Roll website but efforts, to date, have found nothing, so I'd appreciate any help and guidance Pals can offer as to what to do.

My friend's Father was G. E. Saint, who served as a RNVR, later RN signaller aboard S.S. Aquitania, which ferried wounded to the UK from the Dardenalles. Otherwise, about all I know is that the number on his medal is TZ 6364, that he was born in 1900 and that he originated from Washington, County Durham.

My friend's Grandfather, J. S. Howson, served with the Army until wounded at some time during the Battle of the Somme, which caused him to be invalided out of the Army. However, he subsequently volunteered to join the RFC before it became the RAF. Unfortunately, we have no idea which Regiment he served with although the DLI might be a fair bet given where the family was from. With the RFC / RAF his rank was Private, 2nd Class, and I know that the number on his medal is 195297.

As a complete aside, an amusing recollestion from my friend's childhood is that he was always fascinated with aeroplanes, so as a youngster he'd sit on his Grandfather's knee and ask questions about what it was like to serve with the RFC / RAF. His Grandfather's response, one day, was to say that he used "Only to come down for my meals!"... for years afterwards my friend believed that to be true!!

Anyway, back to more serious things, any help or guidance on how to get more information about G. E. Saint and J. S. Howson would be greatly appreciated.

David T.

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Have a look at this topic and the attachment regarding the records held at Yeovilton. http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/i...30249&hl=Swales

The RNVR number beginning TZ should turn up some docs held there.

My own grandfather, TZ89, joined the RNVR at Elswick’s HMS Calliope and his records are there.

Sorry that they are not on-line, but nevertheless everyone at Yeovilton is very helpful

Best of luck

Michael D.R.

Edited by michaeldr
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