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Did your granddad fight in Passchendaele?


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First one sent through with his bio, hope it comes out ok.


I have already received the second one as well. Are there more to come?

Kind regards,


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Hi Jan,

Yes another two to come.


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I came across your archive request and think I can contribute a couple of photos of my great great Uncle.

I have not been able to deduce exactly which battle he died as a result of his wounds.

He died of his wounds on 15 October 1917 at the 22nd.General Hospital.As I do not know how many days he lasted after he was wounded,there are a few battles it could have been.

My best guess so far is the first battle of Passchendael....but I guess you may be able to help me with that information.

I can scan the photo's at any resolution you would like.How should I send them to you??

Here is the information I do have:

Lance Corporal George Devlin

2nd.Bn.Seaforth Highlanders

S/18C44 Died 15 oct 1917

22nd.General Hospital

Resting in Honor at

Etaples grave XXX D.3

I found your email and have sent the photos directly to you


Heinz Rebing



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I came across your archive request and think I can contribute a couple of photos of my great great Uncle.

I have not been able to deduce exactly which battle he died as a result of his wounds.

He died of his wounds on 15 October 1917 at the 22nd.General Hospital.As I do not know how many days he lasted after he was wounded,there are a few battles it could have been.

My best guess so far is the first battle of Passchendael....but I guess you may be able to help me with that information.

I can scan the photo's at any resolution you would like.How should I send them to you??

Here is the information I do have:

Lance Corporal George Devlin

2nd.Bn.Seaforth Highlanders

S/18C44 Died 15 oct 1917

22nd.General Hospital

Resting in Honor at

Etaples grave XXX D.3

I found your email and have sent the photos directly to you


Heinz Rebing




I've come across this posting with beatiful photo in another thread and asked if someone could provide more information about the whereabouts of the Bn (noticing the date). I think it was the 2nd Seaforths. There was no reply.

You should be able to find out in the museum. Keep me informed please. I am not sure if the Bn was in the salient at that moment, it is already October. But he could have been wounded much earlier of course.


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Too fast (on my age!) :P . There is an answer in the other thread. Indeed a Passchendaele casualty. Have a look a few posts earlier.


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Hello Erwin,

I have already answered the post and the email. The German part of the story is interesting as well. Hopefully we'll get some more info. Nice photograph!

Kind regards,


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Hello everybody!

Our project is doing well... . More and more people are contributing information for The Passchendaele Archives. We have records from Australians, British, Irish, Canadian and New Zealanders. I hope this inspires people to do the same and contribute something as well. There is plenty of space left in our archives... :)

Kind regards,


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Hello Jan.....

I have contacted my father in germany and I should have some more info shortly regarding my GUncle who died on the german side around the same time my GUncle did on the british.He is not on the internet so I'll have to wait for regular post.

Did you receive the form I filled in? Also were you able to open the Photos I sent after all? As I stated they are high res. but even though I use an Apple computer there should be a way to still open the pics on windows...if not let me know and I will try to re-scan in a windows format...

And again thanks to everyone who has given so much information regarding where my GUncle may have been wounded.......you are all so knowledgable,I have enjoyed this search so much.

P.S.just as a side note...the lady in the photo is Amanda nee' Madden.She died very soon after learning of her husband Georges death.She just went to sleep one day in Glasgow in her early twenties.....since that time my Grandmother,Mother,Sister and a niece were named Amanda...so their story has always had a special meaning in our family.All the information you have given me I gave to my mother and she was very excited to learn more about the details.I hope to have a picture of his grave soon......so he is definetly one soldier who has never been forgotten.

Heinz Rebing

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Hello Heinz,

I have received the form that you've filled in, but there were no photographs attached. I have copied and pasted the photos that you've attached to the postings in the various topics here in the GWF. If you can , please send them again to make sure I've got the correct ones. I look forward to the documentation on the German side of your family. It looks most interesting. Please keep me informed.

Best wishes,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Jan,

Well I received a bit of info on my German side of the family.Turns out that my GGrandfathers and Uncles of the British and german sides may not have faced each other at passchendaele after all.It was two uncles in World War II in Africa.

It's easy to get the two mixed up I guess...with having so many relatives on both sides and involved in both wars.

My GGrandfather did die in WW I.

He was Landsturmmann Heinrich Rebing, 3 Komp.Reserve-Infantrie Regiment 57

Seems he became missing in a battle on September 24 1917 near the Forte de Chaume.

He was declared dead in 1921 as his body was never found.I have a copy of the death declaration sent to my GGrandmother in my album along with a pic of him.

That is about all I know so far.There is it seems also a brother of his in Flanders who also died in battle so he may be the one i was thinking may have been involved with my British Uncle who died at Passchendaele.

I'll have to do some more research i have a whole box full to go thrue...and it's all WW I + II and so many brothers and such to go thru.

I am hoping some of the knowledgeble folks on the forum will be able to give me info on the Battles at the Forte de Chaume and to tell me if there may be a memorial or cemetery where my GGrandfather may be mentioned or memorialized.

Till next time.....Thanks

Heinz Rebing

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Hello Heinz,

It's a pitty indeed. It would have made quiet a story! I've just read the other topics you've posted on your greatuncle/father. I looks that you're will be very busy tracking down the familyhistory. If anything on Flanders turns up, you know where to find me. Please do keep me informed. I most curious.

Kind regards,


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I posted some bits and bobs to you this afternoon about my great-uncle: Percival Thomas Weir STEPHENSON. :)

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I posted some bits and bobs to you this afternoon about my great-uncle: Percival Thomas Weir STEPHENSON.


Hello John,

Where did you post the bits and bobs? I'm curious... .

Kind regards,


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Pretty close to 52° 32' 10" N, 1° 25' 15" W! :D

Nuneaton in Warwickshire.

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Pretty close to 52° 32' 10" N, 1° 25' 15" W! :D

Nuneaton in Warwickshire.

Oh, I see!! I was thinking that you've post it on one of the topics here or by email!! :unsure: Now I look stupid... .

I look forward receiving it. I will let you know.

Kind regards,


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Oh yes, I see! I never thought about the difference between posting an envelope and posting a thread. Silly me. :rolleyes:

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Hello John,

Package arrived! Great Photos. Thank you very much!

I email you with further info and questions.


Kind regards,

Best wishes,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jan

I think it is about time to post the trench map references of the MMP17 (Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917 in full text)!


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Hi i am a very new member from down under and trying to find my way. I have reserching my great uncle who was killed and listed on the TYNE COT MEMORIAL his name was THOMAS CLARIDGE Glostershire regiment he died 27th august 1917.I have been trying to find where he died and his regiments history,i also have an old photo of him in his uniform. Any help would be greatly appreciated.Yours Marty113

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Hi i am a very new member from down under and trying to find my way. I have reserching my great uncle who was killed and listed on the TYNE COT MEMORIAL his name was THOMAS CLARIDGE Glostershire regiment he died 27th august 1917.I have been trying to find where he died and his regiments history,i also have an old photo of him in his uniform. Any help would be greatly appreciated.Yours Marty113

Hello Marty,

Welcome to the forum. I'm pretty sure that a lot of your questions will be answered at this forum.

Regarding to you great uncle: I will contact you by email.

Kind regards,


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Will follow this with considerable interest, a very worthy project for sure.

Must say it is a shame only those who gave their lives are being recorded (though understand your reasons), my Great Grandfather fought and received the DSO at Messines and it would be nice to think his actions were recorded too.

Hopefully it will expand but I certainly wish you all the best in the coming months.

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Hello Langton,

I'm aware of the gap in the project. I think I have mentioned it before, but some bounderies must be set before starting a project. Believe me or not, but I'm up to mt nose in work (and since I almost 6ft4i... :ph34r: ) . Anybody who wishes can send their story to me. At the moment it will not be included in the project, but it will be kept in the archives for later research or consultation. So if you want us to have a copy of the things you have, please feel very welcome to send it to us. I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Jan :)

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