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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Scots Guards 1st Bn.


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I have been reading some letters sent from the front by a L/cpl of the Scots Guards. He wrote of how he and others talked with the Germans when they came across half way to their trenches on Christmas Day. Anyone know whereabouts the Scots Guards were at that time ?


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Myrtle - according to Ray Westlake (British Battalions in France and Belgium 1914) they crossed the La Bassee Canal near Cuinchy on 21st December and took part in an attack to regain lost trenches near Rue D'Ouvert. They were relived on the 22nd and moved back to the south side of the canal near Cuinchy. Three companies moved forward again during the night. The battalion was relieved on the 28th and moved to Bethune.


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There's no mention of which companies moved and which one stayed put, Myrtle.

After the mention that the battalion was relieved and went to Bethune, there's just one more little comment - "To Annequin (31st.)"


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Thank you very much for your quick reply but I must apologise as I have just realised that I have asked for Christmas 1915 when in fact I should have written 1914. This is an example of why I shouldn't post late at night. :blink:

If you are not too irate with me will you please let me know where the same Bn. was Christmas 1914 if you haven't given me the informationb already ? ;)



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