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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Bordeaux, France


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I am researching a AEF soldier who was a Captain in the 38th Engineers and died of disease on 8/19/1918 in Bordeaux, France. I do know the 38th Engineers were reorg'ed as the 38th Regimental Transport Corps in Sept 1918 (Thanks to Neil Burns).

I am trying to to learn a little more about what they were doing in Bordeaux. Was it something as exciting as unloading ships or were there other engineering works that were going on? Possibly does anyone have any pictures?

Really any information is tremendously helpful.. even if its ideas about where I might be able to find more info.

Thanks, Andy

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I don't know about Bordeaux but here in Limoges there were a fair few Americans stationed in and around the town. Locally there is a railway bridge that was made by them as well as a hospital that is now used as a hostel. You come across US vinatge wheelchairs from time to time in junk shops !! Also a friend of mine has got some grafitti in his attic left by billeting US servicemen. They may have left their mark on the female population as well judging from the amount of cigar smoking elderly men in these parts. :blink:

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