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4th Middlesex


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Along with Royal Fusiliers, the 4th Middlesex were one of the great die-hards of the Mons in August 1914. But does someone have information about their actions during the great retreat from Mons? What was their part in Le Cateau? And after that? I also read that they lost many men in La Bassee in October...

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I'm no expert on either of these units, but I can recommend two books which deal with this period. They are "The Mons Star" by David Ascoli and "Mons" by John Terraine. They certainly give the reader a great idea of what those early days were like.



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The British Official History places the 4th Middlesex 'to the east of Audencourt' at 0900 hours on the morning of the Battle of le Cateau. It was at this time they 'opened fire upon parties of Germans which had crossed the Cambrai road'. The next mention is their withdrawal 'without difficulty' at 3 pm. These are the only two entries after the Battle of Mons. Other Pals will have more information for you.


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I hope I am not mixing units up here, but I think 4/Middlesex lost heavily during the fightings in Sanctuary Wood, september 1915. They had more than 100 killed in a few days if I'm not misatken. I even think one of them won a VC there. But I have to check with my data, and I will not have it at hand for a few weeks.

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I checked, it was them. They were in the 3th division, which lost heavily in Ypres Salient in 1915. Mainly around Hooge. The position they attacked in Sanctuary Wood was called the 'birdcage'. It is the most southeast corner of the wood and many traces of it can still be seen today. They attacked on september 25th, took the position and than lost it again. Counterattack on the 28th failed as well.

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A bit off-topic.

Beneath you will find a photo of a ' Middlesex regiment ' on its way to the Ypres Salient front.

Gilbert Deraedt :huh:

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  • 7 months later...

I am bringing this post to the fore again. I have just been reading about the battles that took place north of La Bassée in October 1914. The 4th Middlesex were involved in taking Croix Barbée. The fighting was very fierce and Hamilton reports that they lost nearly as many men as the 400 or so casualties of the Royal Scots, who were operating on the right (southern) flank of the attack.


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