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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

YPRES 10th-13th November 2005

Paul Johnson

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Jupiler is my drink!!!!!!!!

I'll buy you a drink as way of apology for the other night.

See you there.


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Nothing to apologise about Mandy! It's not a problem, we just all have our own opinions and ideas, but that should'nt change our forum friendship! :) . Unfortunately for Patrick and Fanny, on friday evening, I have 12 firefighters from the UK coming to see me, so I shall be showing them the town that night, but I,m sure we will visit Sante, some time during the evening! If I don't get to meet you on friday, I'm sure the next night or so will be fine! I have to give Patrick his marmite cheddar, he will murder me if I don't get it to him by friday! My house is in Neerstraat and is about to receive a major rebuild into a B&B, so Milena and myself, will have to shuttle between the UK and our flat in Prague, to live in for the next few months! Just watch out for Hans, he looks like a baked potato skin and he is very forward, in a nice sort of way! :blink: Watch out for little Welsh Dave! He is a travelling salesman and plies his trade between France and Belgium and can talk the hind legs off a donkey! Nice local bar, you will be made welcome I'm sure! There's a Nordic bloke, CWGC staff and of course the locals, all to be found gossipping and having a good time! Don't worry about the language, you can speak or learn about a dozen different, all rabbiting away together! Fannies English is pure Essex girl, amazing!

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We just all have our own opinions and ideas, but that should'nt change our forum friendship!


I couldn't agree more with this sentiment. It's part of what the Forum is all about.

(P.S. Can you tell me a little more about Marmite cheddar! I am both a Marmite & Cheddar monster and would love to know if someone is actually manufacturing this savoury combination. If so, where can I get my lustful hands on it?)



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  • 2 weeks later...

This is me and my baby.


If anyone see me looking cold, wet and bedraggled; a coffee normally cheers me up!

Speaking of which, if any Ypres resident has a weather forecast for this weekend it would be appreciated. If only so that I can bring enough changes of dry clothes. :)

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I shal be there am traveling with the DEVON CEREMONIAL BAG PIPE BAND. If you have not been before the memorial concert in ST MARTINS CATHEDRAL is a realk treat. To hear the DEVON band playing HIGHLAND CATHEDRAL is mind blowing.

Me I am the big bloke with white full beard and also white hair.Please make contact if you see me.



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Just bringing this to the top as I'm packing me bag and counting me Euros.

Dont forget to say Hi if you see me. I hope to bump into you.

(P.S. I'll be in the Old Tom at 18.00 on Saturday night if you're around)



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Just bringing this to the top as I'm packing me bag and counting me Euros.

Dont forget to say Hi if you see me. I hope to bump into you.

(P.S. I'll be in the Old Tom at 18.00 on Saturday night if you're around)



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Just bringing this to the top as I'm packing me bag and counting me Euros.

Dont forget to say Hi if you see me. I hope to bump into you.

(P.S. I'll be in the Old Tom at 18.00 on Saturday night if you're around)



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Did you want to bring this back to the top??I leave in 1hr and 10 minutes.Ihave a humpty dumpty waist line and a white beard.My hair is no longer completly white because I CUT IT AND IT IS NOW DARK AND WHITE.I shall be with my mate Grayham and we both wear cloth caps.WE LOOK A BIT LIKE THE TWO OLD MEN OFF THE muppet show.




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Did you want to bring this back to the top??I leave in 1hr and 10 minutes.Ihave a humpty dumpty waist line and a white beard.My hair is no longer completly white because I CUT IT AND IT IS NOW DARK AND WHITE.I shall be with my mate Grayham and we both wear cloth caps.WE LOOK A BIT LIKE THE TWO OLD MEN OFF THE muppet show.




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Did you want to bring this back to the top??I leave in 1hr and 10 minutes.Ihave a humpty dumpty waist line and a white beard.My hair is no longer completly white because I CUT IT AND IT IS NOW DARK AND WHITE.I shall be with my mate Grayham and we both wear cloth caps.WE LOOK A BIT LIKE THE TWO OLD MEN OFF THE muppet show.




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Got back last night! Terrible journey home due to accident on M20 took two and half hours to travel 48 miles!

Sorry to have missed everyone, the agenda kept changing!

Hope you all enjoyed yourselves as I did.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies I was there and have only just seen these posts. I managed to get under the arch as the last of the wreath layers (I was one of the two in uniform and were the last to hand over our wreaths).

Not sure I would go again as the ceremony was so huge and sprectacular it did not quite have the poignancy of the more humble last post, on quieter days with less fanfare and marching.


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It's a great ceremony but I have to agree. When I first went, it was a moving and very personal, but as the past few years have gone by, it's become harder to feel connected to the ceremony. I'v laid wreaths under the gate before, but we were told that a rule came in stating that only one wreath per party could be laid. We have abided by the rule, but it did seem this year that many people didn't. I saw quite a few groups with about eight wreaths, and this year a huge group from a rugby club numbering at least forty people walking up to the gate to lay one wreath. I would love every group who wanted to lay a wreath to be able to do it, but time constraints obviously prevent that. I do think that I will seek out other ceremonies in the future to pay my respects in a more private setting.

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I was very lucky to meet a few people whilst in Ypres but sadly, due to a slight technical hitch, I did not get to meet the one person I hoped to meet. Hopefully, there will be other opportunities in the future.

My thanks to Paul Reed who tipped me off about the caesers nose trench, which made my visit even more worthwhile.

As per normal I loved my visit to the Salient and look forward to returning there in the New Year. I also hope to be in the Somme area in the summer, where I'm sure I will see many other Pals.

A big Thank You to all those I did get to meet, it was real pleasure.



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Slight technical hitch!!!!!!!!!!

you heard of pay phones???????

see you next time.

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It's a great ceremony but I have to agree. When I first went, it was a moving and very personal, but as the past few years have gone by, it's become harder to feel connected to the ceremony. I'v laid wreaths under the gate before, but we were told that a rule came in stating that only one wreath per party could be laid. We have abided by the rule, but it did seem this year that many people didn't. I saw quite a few groups with about eight wreaths, and this year a huge group from a rugby club numbering at least forty people walking up to the gate to lay one wreath. I would love every group who wanted to lay a wreath to be able to do it, but time constraints obviously prevent that. I do think that I will seek out other ceremonies in the future to pay my respects in a more private setting.

You're wellcome at our "Passion- Dale" ceremony on the 10th of November at 18.00 hour. Location: Crest farm Canadian monument.

It was organised for the first time this year and all the participating groups have asked if they could return next year. Not a bad start I think.

Hope to see you and other Pals there


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We will be at the Passion-Dale ceremony, we enjoyed this years. All by torch light, very moving.

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