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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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Alexandria War Memorial, Scotland

Old Chap

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Are there any Pals with information or pictures of the War Memorial in Alexandria, Scotland? Last year during a fishing trip to Loch Lomond i was speaking to a dear old lady who told me her brother's name is on the top of the memorial. She said he was killed during the Dunkirk evacuation in 1940. She asked if i was fishing all day, and when i replied i was went home and brought some postcards/pictures back. Her father had served in the Great War in the A&S Highlanders. He had survived. I really wish i'd took a trip into Alexandria myself to look at the memorial.

Any help appreciated.



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Hi Bill,

The Alexandria, or Bonhill memorial, is a red sandstone cenotaph in the park at the northern edge of the town. I'll attach a pic.

As far as I know the top names of the WWII tablet are:

Midshipman A. Melfort Campbell, R.N. (LEFT COLUMN)

Driver William Routledge, R.H.A.

There's also a small granite cross at the entrance to the church on the main street, I'll attach another pic on my next post.




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Here's the granite cross


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Hello Jim,

Many thanks for the very prompt response and the two pictures. The old lady was fantastic. She was telling me they used to make rifles and even torpedoes in Balloch during the wars.

Many thanks.


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