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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Beckett's Park, Leeds

Sue Light

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This is No.2 Northern General Hospital [TF] at Beckett's Park, Leeds. Can anyone tell me what the original purpose of the buildings were prior to the mobilisation of the Territorial Force Hospitals in 1914?



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The City of Leeds Training College, created in 1907, moved to what is now Headingley Campus (formerly Beckett Park) in 1912.

Becket park is still part of Leeds Met University. If you want more information, you should look at the staff profiles in the school of cultural studies there are a couple of people who will have a lot of information about the place if you want there names contact me off forum. There is still some documents at Beckett Park relating to its time as a hospital.


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  • 4 years later...

In Headingley Library they have a copy of a recent history of the Beckett Park site and the Great War is well covered due to pictures taken from a scrapbook created by George Sprittles, who was an orderley there until called up in 1916[his papers are shown in the book].

There is a photograph of the 7 'Cheerio boys' in concert outfits around a piano; and aptly states they disbanded 30-3-1918. I wonder if these were recovering patients or an outside troupe?

If furthur information is needed, I can get more details of the book. George Sprittles had a brother and niece who were involved with Education at Beckett Park.


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I'd like more info on the Cheerio Boys if possible Phil.

The name suggests a party of convalescent soldiers, perhaps with a nucleus of resident RAMC, though entertainments were also supplied by local amateurs and often by visiting professional artistes from local theatres.

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Hi Phil,

Do you happen to know if there are any photographs of men awarded the DCM/MM in Beckets in May/June 1918 by HM The King??

I have just downloaded some service papers for a man called Pte Joseph BATEY, Yorkshire Regiment, and his papers indicate that this event took place.



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Kate and Ian,

Grandsons[1 and 3 years] staying over- time limited. Sorry for late response. Will return and borrow book. I believe G Sprittles scrapbook is in the N Archive.



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Hi Phil,

Do you happen to know if there are any photographs of men awarded the DCM/MM in Beckets in May/June 1918 by HM The King??

I have just downloaded some service papers for a man called Pte Joseph BATEY, Yorkshire Regiment, and his papers indicate that this event took place.



I'm going to be popping into Leeds Central Library over the next few days to carry out some research in the Yorkshire Post archives for another member, Ian. Don't mind trying to see if I can pick up anything on Pte Batey while I'm there.


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It's 4 and a half years since Sue posted her first post in this thread, but was No.2 Northern General Hospital [TF] really at Beckett Park?

It has always been my understanding that this particular hospital was housed in some of the older buildings of the current St James' Hospital which is on Beckett Sreet in the city.

This is what the CWGC has to say about Beckett Street Cemetery which is across the road from the hospital and received some of it's dead.

During the First World War, the major hospitals in Leeds were the 2nd Northern General with 1,800 beds and the East Leeds War Hospital with 1,900. Leeds (Beckett Street) Cemetery contains 67 scattered burials of the First World War.



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It's 4 and a half years since Sue posted her first post in this thread, but was No.2 Northern General Hospital [TF] really at Beckett Park?

It has always been my understanding that this particular hospital was housed in some of the older buildings of the current St James' Hospital which is on Beckett Sreet in the city.

This is what the CWGC has to say about Beckett Street Cemetery which is across the road from the hospital and received some of it's dead.

During the First World War, the major hospitals in Leeds were the 2nd Northern General with 1,800 beds and the East Leeds War Hospital with 1,900. Leeds (Beckett Street) Cemetery contains 67 scattered burials of the First World War.



My grandfather was fitted with an artificial leg at the 2nd northern gen hosp, this pic was amongst his things, so i assumed this was the hospital,



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It's 4 and a half years since Sue posted her first post in this thread, but was No.2 Northern General Hospital [TF] really at Beckett Park?

It has always been my understanding that this particular hospital was housed in some of the older buildings of the current St James' Hospital which is on Beckett Sreet in the city.

This is what the CWGC has to say about Beckett Street Cemetery which is across the road from the hospital and received some of it's dead.

During the First World War, the major hospitals in Leeds were the 2nd Northern General with 1,800 beds and the East Leeds War Hospital with 1,900. Leeds (Beckett Street) Cemetery contains 67 scattered burials of the First World War.

It definitely opened in 1914 in the City of Leeds Training College, Beckett's Park, but that would not have been the total of the beds there. With time these TF Hospitals became spread all over the towns they occupied. It would have been administered from St. James' Hospital, and there might have well have been military wards set aside there. The Principal Matron was certainly housed at St. James'.


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I KNEW I should have taken that book out on loan. During the week a trip to Headingley is on the cards, but if Louise is interested there is sure to be a copy in the Central library. John's photograph will be familiar to many PE students, chippy's and other students from Carnegie, and is certainly Beckett Park. The entire Chapter in the book would not have been possible without the scrapbook, so this would be key to a thourough search.

Please excuse any errorss, as my local footy team have just done well and I've been swept along with the celebrations, and the Grandsons have returned home.


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Sure, I don't mind having a look for the book when I'm next in there. Also happy to try to locate a picture of Ian's man, though I've learned today that there's a lot of print involved in a couple of months. I'd probably focus on the Yorkshire Evening Post first in the hope they got it in the same day. If there's any chance of narrowing it down any further datewise, I'll be able to come up with the answer faster. If not, it'll be a case of trawling through: the whole event must get a mention: just looking at 1916 today it was easy to get side-tracked reading the reports!

Yes, I was thinking Jimmy's too - especially with the mention of the graveyard over the road!

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Made a quick trip over lunch and think I got lucky. YEP 30 May 1918 mentions an investiture by K&Q taking place the following day at Becketts Park. Only had time to quickly view the following day but couldn't see a photo and the small print was hard to read. Hope to pop back tomorrow or Saturday for a more in-depth look and try to match it up with the YP of 31 May.

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Hi Phil,

Do you happen to know if there are any photographs of men awarded the DCM/MM in Beckets in May/June 1918 by HM The King??

I have just downloaded some service papers for a man called Pte Joseph BATEY, Yorkshire Regiment, and his papers indicate that this event took place.




I found the full report of the Investiture and have copied this but unfortunately it's A3 as we couldn't scan it legibly to A4 and my home scanner doesn't take large paper. I was surprised to see that the YP was much more of a broadsheet in those days and hardly featured photos at all (the very small casualty photos really being the exception) - I really thought the royal event would have been perfect for a photoshoot! It's not even front page news, but tucked away inside.

I haven't had a chance to read through it yet but am quite happy to pop it all in the post to you if you want to PM me with your address.


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I KNEW I should have taken that book out on loan. During the week a trip to Headingley is on the cards, but if Louise is interested there is sure to be a copy in the Central library.



It's not on my personal reading list, but if anybody wants me to dig it out and do a bit of research by all means let me have the full details and I don't mind doing some digging. I tried asking at the local research desk while I was in there, but without a full title they were lost. I scoured the general WW1 section not but surprisingly couldn't find anything.


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  • 2 months later...
This is No.2 Northern General Hospital [TF] at Beckett's Park, Leeds. Can anyone tell me what the original purpose of the buildings were prior to the mobilisation of the Territorial Force Hospitals in 1914?



I work for the University, and involved in research into the war years. True, the Buildings were built for a teacher training college, but students didnt move into the new buildings till 1912, before the college the site belonged to the Beckett family ,bankers in leeds, where there manor house still stands, part of the campus.


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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I am a new member . Pte Batey was a relative of mine. I to have downloaded his papers. I am finding them difficult to understand but the tussel for the DCM seems interesting. I'd appreciate any help that you can offer me in gaining information about this man. His father was my gt gt grandfathers brother. Many thanks, Jackie

Hi Phil,

Do you happen to know if there are any photographs of men awarded the DCM/MM in Beckets in May/June 1918 by HM The King??

I have just downloaded some service papers for a man called Pte Joseph BATEY, Yorkshire Regiment, and his papers indicate that this event took place.



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  • 4 months later...

Hello, I am a new member . Pte Batey was a relative of mine. I to have downloaded his papers. I am finding them difficult to understand but the tussel for the DCM seems interesting. I'd appreciate any help that you can offer me in gaining information about this man. His father was my gt gt grandfathers brother. Many thanks, Jackie

<!--quoteo(post=1344195:date=Jan 22 2010, 07:47 PM:name=kpm)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (kpm @ Jan 22 2010, 07:47 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1344195"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hi Phil,

Do you happen to know if there are any photographs of men awarded the DCM/MM in Beckets in May/June 1918 by HM The King??

I have just downloaded some service papers for a man called Pte Joseph BATEY, Yorkshire Regiment, and his papers indicate that this event took place.



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Hello Jackie,

At the recent rededication of the Donald Bell Memorial at Contalmaison,Richard Leake ex Green Howards,but not a member of GWF,who was the driving force behind the building of it,asked if I would pass on his email address as he would like to contact you.His address is "richard.leake@orange.fr"

Hope you can help.


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Many thanks for this. Sorry for the huge delay in getting back to you on this. Really appreciate your help.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest Richard Wilcocks

I am currently researching the 2nd Northern General Hospital which was at Beckett's Park in Headingley, and I am wondering whether people are still looking at this forum. Much has been found in the last few months, but there are still many gaps - mainly because most of the official records have been lost or destroyed. If you can supply me with any specific information about RAMC medics, nurses, VADs and patients, I'd be most grateful. Email headingleyhospital@gmail.com New website at www.headingleyhospital.org

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