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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Medal Card help


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I have the Medal Index Card for one of my relatives, John McNay, private in the Gordon Highlanders killed at the Battle of Loos.

The card gives his number as S/4230.

I was wondering, what does the S signify? I assume it has some relevance, can anyone help me out with what it means?

Also, his card has the number 75 in the top left corner. Does this mean anything?

Thanks in advance,


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The S prefix was used for Highland Regiments.

I don't know why.

I'm no expert on service numbers so will await the input of a forum expert as to why this was the case.


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The S prefix was used for Highland Regiments.

...but only for wartime enlistments in these regiments.


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The number 75 was the Regiment's place in the order of precedence. And of course , until 1881, was known as the 75th of Foot.

Terry Reeves

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The number 75 was the Regiment's place in the order of precedence. And of course , until 1881,  was known as the 75th of Foot.

Terry Reeves

Yes, of course. I always get these numbers mixed up, and hadn't realised they were still used at this point in time, more than thirty years after they stopped numbering regiments.

Thanks everyone for your help with this.


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