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17th Bn. Royal Fusiliers


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I'd be grateful is someone could tell me the whereabouts of the "17th Bn. Royal Fusiliers" on and around 28/04/1917.



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Battalion History is quite detailed. They were acting as 'Moppers up' - 2 Coys to 2 HLI and one to 52nd Light Infantry (2 Ox & Bucks); the other rifle coy was detailed to assist REs in erecting strong points.

The attack started at 4.25 a.m., and was quickly hit by heavy Minni fire.

Contact with Canadians on the left was maintained, but the 63rd Divn on the right failed to get their objectives. As a result, Oppy (which had been taken by the 6th Bde - 17 RF were in 5th Bde) had to be abandoned to German counter-attacks. The five strong points erected by the Bn were evecuated, and the 5th Bde held parts of their first objective - the first German line.

The attack was a dog's breakfast - the 2nd Divn attacked a frontage of 2,200 yards with only 3,500 men; the 63rd Divn didn't advance because they were unable to reach the assault positions.

A defensive flank had been formed facing Oppy, and the 99th Bde had another go the following day - with fairly similar results.

Casualties in the 17 RF amounted to 111 for the operations around Oppy.

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Battalion History is quite detailed.  They were acting as 'Moppers up' - 2 Coys to 2 HLI and one to 52nd Light Infantry (2 Ox & Bucks); the other rifle coy was detailed to assist REs in erecting strong points.

The attack started at 4.25 a.m., and was quickly hit by heavy Minni fire.

Contact with Canadians on the left was maintained, but the 63rd Divn on the right failed to get their objectives.  As a result, Oppy (which had been taken by the 6th Bde - 17 RF were in 5th Bde) had to be abandoned to German counter-attacks.  The five strong points erected by the Bn were evecuated, and the 5th Bde held parts of their first objective - the first German line.

The attack was a dog's breakfast - the 2nd Divn attacked a frontage of 2,200 yards with only 3,500 men; the 63rd Divn didn't advance because they were unable to reach the assault positions.

A defensive flank had been formed facing Oppy, and the 99th Bde had another go the following day - with fairly similar results.

Casualties in the 17 RF amounted to 111 for the operations around Oppy.

Many thanks for all the details about the actions involving the battalions of the Royal Fusilers at the times I was interested in.



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