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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Captain John Berromore Batten

Kevin Stillyards

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Hi all,

Captain John Berromore 5th Royal Fusiliers attached to 2nd Lincolnshire. Transferred to RFC and promoted to rank of Lieutenant Colonel (?). Does anyone have any details about this man during his time in RFC or when he transferred from the infantry.


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Very quick look at the London Gazette:

6-2-1917 (Published 6-2-1917)

Manch. R.

Temp. Lt.-Col. J. B. Batten (Capt., R. Fus., Spec. Res.) relinquishes the temp, rank of Lt.-Col. on vacating comd. of a Bn. 22. Jan. 1917.

26-6-1917 (Published 26-6-1917)

(Graded for purposes of pay as a Staff Capt. whilst comdg. a Sqdn., R.F.C. Cadet Wing).

—Capt. J. B. Batten, D.S.O., R. Fus., Spec. Res., and to be secd. 28th May 1917.

18-9-1918 (Published 17-9-1918)




R. Fus.-Capt. J. B. Batten, D.S.O. (Capt., ret. pay), to be Maj. 12th Jan. 1918.

21-1-1919 (Published 21-1-1919)


Maj. J. B. Batten, D.S.O., to be actg. Lt.-Col. whilst empld. as Lt.-Col. 8th Aug. 1918.

6-6-1919 (Published 6-6-1919)


The undermentioned Majs. to be graded for purposes of pay and allowances as Lt -Cols., from. 1st May 1919 to 7th May 1919: —

J. B. Batten, D.S.O.

16-12-1919 (Published 16-12-1919)

The undermentioned are transferred to the unempld. list.:—

20th Nov. 1919.

Maj. J. B. Batten, D.S.O.

Most of the grammar is straight from the Gazette, though I have tidied up the obvious "mis-scans" by the PDF software.


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Thanks for taking the time Steve - very useful info.


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