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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Army Troops Coy, RE.

Eddie Morton

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Hello All

Can anyone help, first with a description of what was an Army Troops Company in relation to the Royal Engineers and what was their function.

And secondly does anyone know where the 217th Army Troops Company was operating on March 27th 1918 when Sapper 69319 Harry Willcock was killed.

He is comemorated on the Poziers memorial so it must have been around there somewhere.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Regards Eddie

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217 Army Troops Company RE was one of the very few units available to be hastily brought together to form a defensive force to hold the line between Villers Bretonneux and Sailly le Sec, on 26 March 1918. Along with other RE units including a Field Survey Company, Corps training schools, a detachment of US railway troops and various other details, this became known as Carey's Force.

Under normal circumstances an Army Troops Company worked on large engineering works well behind the lines, such as water supplies and bridging.

Carey's Force came under the command of Fifth Army, the missing of which are listed on the Pozieres Memorial, some way from where they fell.

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Thanks for that Chris, most informative.

Regards Eddie

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While this topic is active, another of the Pals is searching for details of the 136th Army Troops Company Royal Engineers. Does anyone have details of where they were attached?

I believe his relative died 6/6/1917 and is buried at Bailleul near Ypres.

The only references so far seem to be : Landed Egypt 21/8/1915 - to Mesopotamia - to Ypres.

Would these Troops be attached at Army level as their name implies?

Thanks for any help,


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136 AT RE were with Second Army by June 1917 and attached to XV Corps in Sept 1918. Army Troops Companies could work anywhere within their particular army's area of responsibility.

Terry Reeves

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Which certainly places them at Ypres - Messines to Armientieres area - around June 1917.

Thanks, Terry.

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