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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Salient visit

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Afternoon all.

A friend of mine will be visiting the Ypres salient in the next couple of weeks and ha s asked me for any info as to the cafe opposite Hill 60, as in is it still open?

The last time I visited (pre Covid) it was closed is this still the case?

Are there any new sites to visit that have opened/ been renovated since Covid?

Thanks in advance


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It's open. 

The only site that has been updated (as fas as I know) since Covid is the Yorkshire trench. 

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Thanks for that sapper👍

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Meningate is in renovation. Don't forget that.  

I don't know if you visit the garden of Passchendale memorial park? Since 2019 they have a Maori memorial. 

Bayernwald trenches, search on internet if it is open or not. Timetable is sometimes different. 

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Probably a bit late, but the excellent Memorial Museum Passchendaele (now known simply as Passchendaele Museum) has a new audio-visual display called 'Passchendaele 1917' this year. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to visit the museum when I was in Ieper a couple of weeks ago. 

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@Loopgraaf & Mark Hone

Thanks for the replies Gents.

Im sorry I've not replied before but we've had a bereavement in the family so not much time to do much else.

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