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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Help identifying the name inside M18 Stalhelm

Casques of WW1

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Howdy folks,

I’ve tried to indenting the name inside my M18 Stalhelm that was drawn in on the inside of the skirt of the helmet, but haven’t had any luck. I was hoping if anyone could identify the name (person, town, etc.) so I can find out a little more! I’m sorry in advance for the rough pictures but whatever they used to write the name is sort of reflective, so it either catches too much light or not enough. If needed I can try and send some more! It is almost certainly German and i don’t know much about German names





Edited by Casques of WW1
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It could be „August“ but it is really very hard to see. If it is, your chances of identifying him are zero. It could either be a surname or forename. 

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Thanks for the help! Fortunately I know some of the background of this helmet so it might be possible, and august would make sense. I’ll try and see if I can get the lightning a bit better

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