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Have lost the 'details' of a source in BMJ 1912


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I hope this request is acceptable. A very long time ago, I sourced an article from the online site of the British Medical Journal re the Training of Voluntary Aid Detachments. It included the following:

'three chief objects for which a women's detachment would be required:

(i) to nurse the sick ...

(ii) to cook for the sick and injured ...

(iii) to sew, darn, wash and generally look after ....

I think it also referred to applying formentations.


I do wonder f it was the British Journal of Nursing rather than the BMJ but either way, access to those sites are no longer free and I cannot find my own personal notes - I think they must have been on an old email address no longer available to me. The note I have says August 1912 but despite looking at archive.org, I can't trace the article in the BMJ journal of that year, and I can't find a BJN journal for that year. Just wondered if by any remote chance,  any other member would recognise this. All I actually need is the correct date and issue etc to cite it.

Many thanks

Edited by monkstown
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I’ve looked on the late Sue Lights website, but can’t find anything. Maybe @seaJane can assist? 

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Searching on "The training of Voluntary Aid Detachments" in Europe PMC* brings up these two:

https://europepmc.org/betaSearch?query="Training of voluntary aid detachments"



*the European mirror of PubMed Central - I find the Europe version easier to use.

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Thank you @seaJane and @Michelle Young for your prompt replies. I wasn't aware of that PMC - I will avail of that. I will have to continue searching through all my notes (online and on paper) here - I have laid out those 'three chief objects' as a direct quote from the article but the source is still eluding me ....

Thanks again

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Glad to help - just checking, have you clicked on the links to read the articles themselves? If what you want is not immediately visible, it may need digging for.


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Yes, I have clicked and looked but didn't see what I need - I'll keep trying however!

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These may be the physical source: https://discover.libraryhub.jisc.ac.uk/search?author=&title=Voluntary+Aid+Training&publisher=&publisher-place=&isn=&date=1910-1915&subject=&map-scale=&keyword=

They're all paper copies - I've looked for an online version but I can't find one - however, an inter-library loan should be possible.


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Thanks @seaJane - I'm in Dublin and really missing remote access to the BL!  I feel I must have the details of the source somewhere here ....:(

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Might be worth asking Trinity College Dublin - they have one of the copyright deposit libraries, so should hold it, but depending on the size of their cataloguing backlog it may not have appeared online yet.

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Thanks @seaJane

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Apologies for sending you on a wild goose chase - having turned the house and the laptop upside down in my search, I see now that I was completely wrong in the source suggested - no connection whatsoever - no idea how I got that so wrong! The correct source is First Aid Journal 1912-1914 by Museum of the Order of St John - Issuu - 'First Aid - the Independent Journal for the Ambulance and Fire Services' August 1912 (I got that part correct :() p.34


Thank you for your help and apologies again @seaJane and @Michelle Young



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47 minutes ago, monkstown said:

I was completely wrong in the source suggested


I may serendipitously have found a very interesting article or two, so don't beat yourself up too hard.


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