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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Royal Engineers Unit


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I am trying to learn more about my great great grandfather John Bezer, service number 12410. I know he served from 1903 - 1916 from what I can see on ancestry, and that in WW1 he was in the 5th Field Company of the 2nd Division, but I haven't been able to work out what the Casualty Form thing says. Would appreciate any help.



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23 minutes ago, jdhamlyn said:

I haven't been able to work out what the Casualty Form thing says.


Would love to try and help, but ... ???

Please ,,, can you better identify or better still post an image of the document you are talking about?



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2 hours ago, Matlock1418 said:


Would love to try and help, but ... ???

Please ,,, can you better identify or better still post an image of the document you are talking about?




Sorry about that, this is what I was talking about. Source is ancestry. Trying to read what unit he was a part of.






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Lordy, those Ancestry scans are dreadful! - Let's hope another member(s) have clearer Find My Past versions and can better help you.

One thing to remember is that on the B.103, Casualty - Active Service form the column 5 "Date" is for event dates

For starters: I can see No 4 GBD [General Base Depot] on there, see: https://www.longlongtrail.co.uk/army/other-aspects-of-order-of-battle/british-base-depots-in-france-1914-1918

As for the earlier Defaulters book = ???

Maybe @Terry_Reeves can use his RE knowledge to better decipher??


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2.9.14 reported missing

7.9.14 rejoined unit

1.5.15 joined unit from 5 Field Company RE (unit unreadable)

11.2.16 arrived 4GBD for discharge. 4 GBD stands for 4 General Base Depot. which was at Rouen. It dealt specifically with Royal Engineers.

2.2.16. Transferred from HQ 5th Division to Training Depot Aldershot. This was the RE Riding School where most RE Drivers were trained.


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Thanks both of you. I'll see what I can read from the defaulter book myself.



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