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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Discharged Soldier

Simon Warren

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Hello I wonder if you can help me ? I am looking into Alfred Francis Eagle Born Abingdon 1882 and on the 1921 Folkestone census he is named as discharged , injured soldier aged 38 . Do any of you know which regiment and what might have happened to him . Thank you so much Simon



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It appears he was discharged wounded as per his award of the Silver War Badge (courtesy FMP)

This tells us he was a Gunner in 231 Brigade Royal Field Artillery.




His service number below


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OK folks that server issue made it look like I had posted in invisible ink before I had even started! So here I go again ...

This is a pension index card for a disability claim


Image thanks to WFA/Fold3

Dicharged 2.8.18 he was awarded 27/6 pw from 3.8.18 to 4.2.19 [Under the 1918 Royal Warrant that quantum was the 100% disability rate for a pension Class V soldier/Pte without child(ren) - not that uncommon to have a six month award whilst they sorted matters out/saw how he hopefully recovered]

We can see he also made an APD [Alternative Pension Disability] - this would aim to be a higher quantum based on proven pre-war/service earnings

However I have not [yet?] found another record



Edited by Matlock1418
complet my intended post complet with typo! Now sorted
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Maybe this is his death - the age is a year or two out, but right part of the world, and the only Alfred F. Eagle death after 1920.

Deaths Dec 1963   (>99%)
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Hi Guys Having scoured the records I cannot seem to find at what location or battle Alfred was injured . Any more help would be wonderful . Ps he was still alive and living in Folkestone when 1921 census was taken . 


Thank you Simon



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Only one hit in the Folkstone Papers. From April 1914 a man with the same name as a member of a Jury.




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