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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Medal Ribbon Identification


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This is my Grandfather, who served as a Gunner in 180th Brigade Royal Field Artillery. Family legend has it that he joined up in 1914 lying about his age, was discovered, thrown out and then rejoined on 19 July 1915. 180th Bde. RFA arrived in France on 17 February 1916.

This photo shows him as a Captain in the Dorset Regt in WW2. I am trying to identify whether the medal ribbons he is wearing includes the 1914-15 star.

I think I can make out 4 separate medal ribbons being worn. 

I only have three of his WW1 medals as he threw them all away and they were recovered by my Grandmother.

I can only find issue chits covering his Military Medal, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal.

Am I trying to see something that is not there?

EA Cowley ww2.jpg

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I think, from left to right as we look at it, Military Medal, 1914/15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal with oak leaf (Mentioned in Dispatches).

58 DM.

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58 Div Mule. Thank you. I have found a hand written note saying he had the Bronze Oak Leaves on his Victory medal. Any idea where I would go to find said Mention?

Russ T, No I have so far been unable to find a 14 - 15 Medal roll.


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Much as above, I read those ribbons as the MM with either the 1914 or 1914/15 Star then the BWM and last the VM with MID emblem. It's always worth bearing in mind more than a few soldiers felt hard done by when missing out on a medal and later self awarded it...


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What is the number around the rim of the VM & BWM?

Might he, for whatever reason, have had a number change and his 14/15 star is named to a previous number?


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You haven't mentioned the man's name or number (probably on the rim of one of his medals), and you haven't said whether you have seen his Medal Index Card(s). Giving these details will probably get you some interesting replies!


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