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Nurses going out on service from nurse-training schools during the war - interest?


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I have found a sequence of articles in a journal called The Hospital, titled "Patriotism in the Nurse-Training Schools" - these basically consist of a commentary on recent events affecting the nursing population, and lists of names of the nurses gone on service from each training school/hospital named (including awards, sickness, and casualties). The scanned images can be searched using the Ctrl-F "find" function. Would these be of interest to people researching nurses? If so I'll post the links - they will go on my medical bibliography eventually, but at present they are separate,

Best wishes,



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44 minutes ago, seaJane said:

I have found a sequence of articles in a journal called The Hospital, titled "Patriotism in the Nurse-Training Schools" - these basically consist of a commentary on recent events affecting the nursing population, and lists of names of the nurses gone on service from each training school/hospital named (including awards, sickness, and casualties). The scanned images can be searched using the Ctrl-F "find" function. Would these be of interest to people researching nurses? If so I'll post the links - they will go on my medical bibliography eventually, but at present they are separate,

Best wishes,



I imagine that @Marilyne will be interested seaJane given the many ww1 nurses that she has been researching.

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By popular request :)

Annex: ‘Patriotism and the Nurse-Training Schools.’

Each part includes the names of nurses serving, and in some cases notes their death, wounding, sickness or awards. As the precise bibliographic details of each issue of The Hospital in which these lists appear is available at the online link, those details have not been transcribed here.

NB: Once the image of a page has been opened, it can be searched online (e.g., for a particular name) by using the Ctrl-F keys.

I. Examples in Great Britain and Ireland. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29824203#free-full-text.

II. The London Hospital. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29824082#free-full-text.  

III. A group of North-country hospitals. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29824131#free-full-text.

IV. Some London poor-law infirmaries. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29823921#free-full-text.

V. Some provincial poor-law infirmaries. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29824108#free-full-text.

VI. Guy's Hospital. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29823933#free-full-text.

VII. Training schools South and West. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29823143#free-full-text.

NB: There seems, perhaps by some oversight, not to have been a part VIII (Wales, Midlands and East?); at any rate, it cannot be traced.

IX. Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29825222#free-full-text.  

X. Leicester, Sheffield, Salisbury. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29825212#free-full-text.

XI. War work in Glasgow institutions. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29825146#free-full-text.

XII. London training schools. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29825397#free-full-text.

XIII. Some Lancashire institutions. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29825448#free-full-text.

XIV. Some Yorkshire institutions. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29825495#free-full-text.


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Glad they're useful - I almost passed them by!

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