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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Historical Fiction & The Battle of Mons

Arthur Adamson

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Good morning, all. I was wondering if there is anybody out there with an interest in both the Great War and historical fiction? In particular, the likes of Bernard Cornwall and Simon Scarrow, etc. I am a novice writer, as yet unpublished, who has just finished my first novel based upon the Battle of Mons.

I am looking for anybody who might be willing to read an excerpt with a view to providing me feedback. Either good or bad, to let me see if I have something worth developing. I’ve used this forum on several occasions to clarify research points while writing this book, and it has been excellent.

As subject matter experts, any pointers or advice would be most welcomely received. I would like to stress that I am in no way trying to use this forum to monetise or promote my work. I am merely asking those of you who have an interest in such writing to give me your opinions.

So, if there is anybody out there brave enough to take the plunge, then please drop me your email, and I will happily forward you a few chapters. Thank you in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you.

PS – If this is inappropriate, and I sincerely hope it isn’t, please don’t delete my account. I plan on writing more, and your assistance in providing answers to genuinely difficult questions is invaluable.

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