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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Philip Johnstone's Poem "High Wood"


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Forum seems to have swallowed my posting and left just the title.

I was amazed that to discover that this remarkable and hauntingly prescient work was published in the "Nation" February 16 1918 and not the 30's as one might surmise.

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The Forum has been moving in strange ways these last two days :blink:

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Marina - thanks for posting the link. Written 9 mths before the end of the war !

The only thing I am grateful for is that High Wood itself has remained pretty much off limits - if there were a cafe there, it would really be too much ! But Delville Wood isn't too far away and there are helicopter rides at Newfoundland Park (still ?).

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Marina - thanks for posting the link. Written 9 mths before the end of the war !

The only thing I am grateful for is that High Wood itself has remained pretty much off limits - if there were a cafe there, it would really be too much !  But Delville Wood isn't too far away and there are helicopter rides at Newfoundland Park (still ?).

Are you implying there is something wrong with the way Delville Wood is run? The South Africans make no charge to enter the site or museum, they provide free toilets, parking and pic-nic facilities, and yes there is a shop, but if no-one wanted to use it, it would have closed years ago. I can't see the connection with this fine piece of poetry, to be honest.

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