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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Cornelius Brothers Medals.


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Henry Cornelius was in the Mercantile Marine.  Awarded the B. W. Medal and Mercantile Marine Medal.   His brother. B. W. Medal Victory Medal to K.8890. W. T. Cornelius  L. STO. RN. GV.  K. 8890. (DEV. B 12276) W. T. Cornelius. STO . 1 R. N. R.    From Cardiff.   Can any member help with any information on the brothers ?   I was told that one of them was Torpedoed.    Thank you.     Lyn.

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The second brother is presumably William Thomas Cornelius, who's service record can be downloaded for free from the National Archives after first registering for an account.


A look at the ships he served on might be able to tell you if one of them was torpedoed.

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Stoker William Thomas CORNELIUS, K.8890, was not Royal Naval Reserve (RNR), as stated in the OP, but Royal Navy (RN). He was, however, in the Royal Fleet Reserve (RFR) after he completed his engagement in 1922. He claimed a trio of WW1 medals not just a pair, including the 1914-15 Star. These were issued to him when he was serving on the books of HMS WOOLWICH in HMS VANOC.

CORNELIUS  image.png.384b4dbebf7b790e26531edc1e339114.png

The MM medal card (BT 351) gives Henry d.o.b. 1865   -   https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D7996343   The ADM 188 record gives William's d.o.b. as 28 June 1892 = 27 years apart. Brothers?

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