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French War Grave Website


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Can anyone tell me if there is a website listing French war graves? And if so, the address? I already know of the French government site with the casualty records, but I am specifically interested in researching graves (at Gallipoli).

Many thanks,


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Many thanks for your response. That's the site I've been using, but I am just looking for a site that will give information on graves. I'm not even sure there is one, but it seems like one would exist since the British, Germans and Americans have one.


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Hi Annie,

Fantastic, thank you! Thanks to you I've just found Col. Coquelin de Lisle, killed at the Poudrière below Fleury devant Douaumont on 11.07.16.



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Sépultures de guerre

- fiche de renseignements - Fermer la fenêtre


Identité :Nom : COQUELIN DE LISLE Mention: « Mort pour la France »

Prénom : Paul Alexandre

Grade : Colonel

Unité 255° Brig. d'Inf.

Matricule : 553

Recrutement : Blois

Classe 1882

Date de décès : 11/07/1916

Lieu de décès : Près de Fleury-devant-Douaumont

Lieu d’ inhumation :Département : Meuse


lieu : Nécropole nationale "DOUAUMONT"

Type de sépulture : Tombe individuelle

Carré :

Rang :

N° : 7660

Indice :

Géré par : Direction des Pensions des Statuts et de la Réinsertion Sociale

Direction Interdépartementale chargée des Anciens Combattants à Metz

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When using this site and the casualties website you need to remember several things.

1. The burials site only lists those men who are buried in official war cemeteries. Men whose bodies were reclaimed and buried in private cemeteries, etc are not there.

2. The detail in the casulaties site and the burials site often differ. You need to use a bit of imagination. For example, the causalties site will have a full set of names and the burials just an initial.

3. From what I can see at least 5% of men got two death certificates. One os scrappy and the other detailed. Sometimes there is even a second one when one is 'closed due to the medical details'

4. When searching the casualties website, you can now make a specification as to the départment of birth or whether someone was born outside France. But the surname remains the only primary search criterion.

5. When you type in a Christian name, use the 'includes' box as otherwise you will only get men where the first quoted Christian name is what you specified. With the 'includes' you get it anywhere in the string.

6. The recorded name is sometimes a bit fanciful in both databases. The French just didn't seem to know how to handle, Gö for instance. It can be GO or GOE or any other variation you can think of.

Added to all that is that the people who wrote out the death certificates were often fed up to the back teeth with the job abd seem to have gone out of their way to make them only semi-legible at best.

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Sorr, I should have added that there is no way of searching by cemetery. Surname only.

Nuisance, but that's the way it is.

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Sépultures de guerre

- fiche de renseignements - Fermer la fenêtre 


Identité :Nom :  COQUELIN DE LISLE  Mention: « Mort pour la France » 

Prénom :  Paul Alexandre

Grade :  Colonel

Unité  255° Brig. d'Inf.

Matricule :  553

Recrutement :  Blois

Classe  1882

Date de décès :  11/07/1916

Lieu de décès :  Près de Fleury-devant-Douaumont

Lieu d’ inhumation :Département :  Meuse


lieu :  Nécropole nationale "DOUAUMONT"

Type de sépulture :  Tombe individuelle

Carré :   

Rang : 

N° :  7660

Indice :   

Géré par : Direction des Pensions des Statuts et de la Réinsertion Sociale

Direction Interdépartementale chargée des Anciens Combattants à Metz

Thanks Annie

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Is there a website which has a comprehensive list of Frenchmen who died in WW2?

I've been trying to find out about a man called P. Chouville for a while, but have come up with nothing so far.

That site seems very limited re WW2.



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I hope nobody will mind if I hijack this thread for my own benefit.

Right now I am compiling a list of all military cemeteries in the Ypres Salient that were moved shortly after the War to other larger cemeteries. (More about this some other time on this Forum.) British cemeteries so far are fine, German will be too I presume.

But disappeared French cemeteries appear to be a serious problem. Does anyone have any information on moved French cemeteries in the Ypres Salient ?

(E.g. I would be delighted with a list of the Ypres Salient cemeteries that were moved after the Armistice and in the early 1920s to the French cemetery St. Charles de Potijze (Zonnebeke Road, Ypres). (And of course : with infomation (and photos) with regard to the location of these moved cemeteries !)


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  • 2 weeks later...

For French burials go to:



This site does not work in quite the same way as the death certificates site. It seems to be more or less a straight copy of the cemetery registers.

I recommend that you find the death certificate first on the first site and then go to this site and interrogate with the surname only. Very often Christian name is missing on this site or there is just an initial. Be prepared to play around with the surname as well.

On the death certificates site there is a limit of 200 replies, but on the burials site there does not seem to be a limit.

The burials are only those in official French war cemeteries. Bodies handed back to families or otherwise buried or disappeared are not included.

In the death certificates site I recommend that you try surname only first and then ALWAYS check the 'including' box when you use Christian name. If you don't it will give you certificates where it says Jean Pierre (if you have put in Jean as the first name), but not those with Pierre Jean.

You can now also limit by Department of birth and in or out of France, so use these to limit replies of you are looking up DUPONT.

Be prepared to play about with the surname spelling as some of the blokes writing out these certificates had obviously had a British end of 20th education (spelling not obligatory).

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For French burials go to:



This site does not work in quite the same way as the death certificates site. It seems to be more or less a straight copy of the cemetery registers.

I recommend that you find the death certificate first on the first site and then go to this site and interrogate with the surname only. Very often Christian name is missing on this site or there is just an initial. Be prepared to play around with the surname as well.

On the death certificates site there is a limit of 200 replies, but on the burials site there does not seem to be a limit.

The burials are only those in official French war cemeteries. Bodies handed back to families or otherwise buried or disappeared are not included.

In the death certificates site I recommend that you try surname only first and then ALWAYS check the 'including' box when you use Christian name. If you don't it will give you certificates where it says Jean Pierre (if you have put in Jean as the first name), but not those with Pierre Jean.

You can now also limit by Department of birth and in or out of France, so use these to limit replies of you are looking up DUPONT.

Be prepared to play about with the surname spelling as some of the blokes writing out these certificates had obviously had a British end of 20th education (spelling not obligatory).

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For French burials go to:



This site does not work in quite the same way as the death certificates site. It seems to be more or less a straight copy of the cemetery registers.

I recommend that you find the death certificate first on the first site and then go to this site and interrogate with the surname only. Very often Christian name is missing on this site or there is just an initial. Be prepared to play around with the surname as well.

On the death certificates site there is a limit of 200 replies, but on the burials site there does not seem to be a limit.

The burials are only those in official French war cemeteries. Bodies handed back to families or otherwise buried or disappeared are not included.

In the death certificates site I recommend that you try surname only first and then ALWAYS check the 'including' box when you use Christian name. If you don't it will give you certificates where it says Jean Pierre (if you have put in Jean as the first name), but not those with Pierre Jean.

You can now also limit by Department of birth and in or out of France, so use these to limit replies of you are looking up DUPONT.

Be prepared to play about with the surname spelling.

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