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Hospital / medical abbreviations


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I would be very grateful if anyone could advise on the following abbreviations on the attachment from the service record of George William Staples, Lance Corporal 15192 in the 9th Battalion of the Leicestershire Regiment.

On 24th June 1916 he was transferred to 23 AT. On 25th June he was admitted to N4D slt (or NYD?)

Is AT some form of transport? And what is N4D (or NYD)?



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23 AT is probably 23 ambulance train 

19 CCS is 19 Casualty Clearing station - they ‘fed’ casualties to ambulance trains 


so he went 50 field ambulance, to 19 casualty clearing station to 23 ambulance train and then to 9 stationary hospital.

I am not sure what the other abbreviations are that you refer to sorry

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1 hour ago, Marigold1 said:

May thanks indeed. That was so very quick.


There will be other on the forum way more knowledgeable rhat can really pull info out of that form. He was wounded some months later as well - GSW is ‘gunshot wound’ BUT that just means some sort of penetrating injury, it’s a catch all term - doesn’t necessarily mean he was shot! Seem he had a GSW to his knee (accidental) and then later to his hands. 

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16 minutes ago, Marigold1 said:

On 25th June he was admitted to N4D slt (or NYD?)

NYD = Not Yet Diagnosed

It is followed by Slt = Slight [I think!]

The combination is a bit puzzling to me! [Though NYD could be applied to an undiagnosed fever of some sort - I'm erring that way (but I'm not a medic)]


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18 minutes ago, Marigold1 said:

Is AT some form of transport?


AT = Ambulance Train


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WFA/Fold3 have pension index cards for a dependant's claim made by his mother, Mary Ann STAPLES, in respect of LCpl. George William STAPLES, 15192, 1st Bn., Leicestershire Regt.

18.2.17 Died of Wounds.  His mother received 5/- pw

See also https://www.cwgc.org/find-records/find-war-dead/casualty-details/61448/g-w-staples


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30 minutes ago, Marigold1 said:

Thank you Mr. Ed and Matlock. You have both been so very helpful.


You are very welcome 


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The NYD probably refers to venereal disease given the dates and the ref to gonorrhoea.  Likely had non-specific symptoms and illness enough to mean he was sent through medical services.  Some records will show "NYDV".


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