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Queen Alexandra hospital FAU, Dunkirk


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Hi, I am trying to find the original location of the Queen Alexander hospital in Dunkirk and the Chateau de petite synthe. Thank you. 

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6 hours ago, SommeStag said:

Queen Alexander hospital


I have a reference that says it was in Hotel du Kursaal, Malo-les-Bains.



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Thank you Russ. You don't have any photographs of the hospital? Thank you for your quick response. Best wishes, Diane

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After re-reading what I found yesterday, I'm no longer certain - see this article:

Library of the Society of Friends Catalogue | Details (adlibhosting.com)

It does mention that the first Anglo-French FAU was at the Hotel du Kursaal (later Hotel Pyl) - but then lists, amongst other Hospitals, the Queen Alexandra Hospital being at Malo-les-Bains - so I'm not sure if these were the same establishment or, if not, whether they were co-located.

Perhaps it might be possible to contact someone via the above website to see if they know anything.

I had a look at the War Diary for the ADMS Calais (WO/95/4019), who, I believe, was responsible also for Dunkirk but I didn't spot any mention of the QA FAU.

Anyway, you can find photos of the Hotel by a Goole search - here is one:






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The Queen Alexandra Hospital was established during the early months of 1915 at Malo-les-Bains (Dunkirk) and was later relocated to Chateau de Petite Synthe (a little to the SW of Dunkirk) in March 1918, due to shelling.

Hotel Pyl was the location of the FAU’s HQ.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The Queen Alexandra hospital was established in the early months of 1915 primarily as a typhoid hospital and consisted of a series of wooden huts built on what had been a parade and training ground. It was built of wood so it could be erected quickly but also so it could be decontaminated by fire if necessary. As noted above, it moved to Petit Synthe in 1918 when the original location came under long range shellfire aimed at the harbour.

Picture of huts

The nursery school that is now on the site

Approx location on Google maps,


The FAU used both the Hotel Pyl and Hotel Kursaal as headquarters buildings (they were adjacent) with the Kursaal being destroyed by shelling 

My great uncle was in the FAU and was initially at the Kursaal before being in an ambulance section that moved around various hospitals. He later left to join the RNAS and was mortally wounded in a flying accident and was brought to Queen Alexandra where his sister, my great aunt, was now working as a VAD. He died in her arms.

There are many more photos in the Cadbury collection (Laurence Cadbury was ‘chef’ of SS13, my great uncle’s unit and later head of motorised services)





Hotels after bombing.jpeg

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On 16/05/2023 at 17:34, RussT said:







I think this picture is of the replacement Kursaal built in the 1920s, the original was much more elaborate 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you so much. Sorry for my very late response but this is very interesting. Thank you for your time and trouble. Best wishes. 

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  • 8 months later...

Am transcribing the diary of a man (Tattersfield) who worked for the FAU at the Queen Alexandra Hospital as a ward orderly. I've got to Spring 1916 & he has just described a big German air raid which bombed the Hotel Kursaal.

Who was your great aunt, Gusty Winds? Tattersfield was in admiration of a number of the "Sisters"



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Tagging @Gustywinds as they’ve not been on the forum for a few months. 

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26 minutes ago, Tattersfield diary said:

Am transcribing the diary of a man (Tattersfield) who worked for the FAU at the Queen Alexandra Hospital as a ward orderly. I've got to Spring 1916 & he has just described a big German air raid which bombed the Hotel Kursaal.

Who was your great aunt, Gusty Winds? Tattersfield was in admiration of a number of the "Sisters"



Her name was Annie Kathleen Greeves but she wasnt there until Sept 1917. Are you sure this dairy hasn't already been transcribed. I have a book of an orderly at QAH and the name seems familiar. If it is him, when you get to Dec 23rd 2017 you will get a mention of my great uncle and two other RNAS pilots who died the same day

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Unfortunately Tattersfield left in September 1917 as Sister Greaves arrived.
No, it is a new transcription which will eventually be published by Rothamstead Research (where he worked post WW1).

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17 hours ago, Tattersfield diary said:

Unfortunately Tattersfield left in September 1917 as Sister Greaves arrived.
No, it is a new transcription which will eventually be published by Rothamstead Research (where he worked post WW1).

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17 hours ago, Tattersfield diary said:

Unfortunately Tattersfield left in September 1917 as Sister Greaves arrived.
No, it is a new transcription which will eventually be published by Rothamstead Research (where he worked post WW1).

I've just discovered another site with diary excerpts from the dairy of another nurse who was at QAH when my great uncle died. https://www.morganfourman.com/articles/xmas-at-the-queen-alexandra-hospital-dunkirk/ 


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In the last couple of days I found out about this diary but not seen its pages as yet. Again not sure she overlapped with Tattersfield.

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