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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Cavalry Field Ambulance- Light and heavy waggons, 1914- differences?


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I am am trying to establish the differences between Light and Heavy ambulance wagons of the 6th Cavalry Field Ambulance in 1914.


The war diary from 13th November, mentions both Light and Heavy Waggons being sent to the trenches. I assume the light waggons, collected the wounded from the frontline or Collecting Posts and brought them back in this instance to a dressing station in Zillebeke. 


The war diary mentions all light waggons were sent- my first question how many light waggons made up a Cavalry Field Ambulance in 1914?


And secondly what was the difference between heavy and light waggons? I assume the heavy waggons carried more equipment and were detailed to set up an advanced dressing station.


Could anyone provide details of the equipment carried by a heavy ambulance?


Thanks in advance.






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