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Does any member know if there is a nominal roll for the seventeen sisters, led by Lady Superintendent Watt, who served in France in 1914?


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  According to Maude McCarthy's War Diary there were only 7 Q.A.M.N.S.I. nursing sisters who came from India, including Miss Watt. They were posted to the Rawalpindi British General Hospital at Wimereaux.

  They left Karachi, India on the H.M.T. Liecestershire' on 16th October 1914 and arrived at Marseilles on 7th November.

  The nursing staff {all Queen Alexandra's Military Nursing Service for India} were;-

Lady Superintendent Miss Phoebe Fowler WATT

Nursing Sister Miss Marion Domville KNAPP

Nursing Sister Miss Ethel KELSO

Nursing Sister Miss Rosamond Lucy NEVILLE

Nursing Sister Miss Minnie Eda McLEAN

Nursing Sister Miss Lucy Angela WHITE

Nursing Sister Miss Annie Marion BIRD

Senior Nursing Sister Miss Catherine Lumsden WARRACK, Q.AM.N.S.I. who was already in France, at Orleans joined the nursing staff on 17th December, along with 14 Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. and T.F.N.S. nursing sisters.

Senior Nursing Sister Miss Helen Anna MacDonald RAITT, Q.AM.N.S.I. who was alreadyat Marseilles joined the nursing staff on 197th December,

  The war diary for the Rawalpindi British General Hospitalis available here https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/edb20296e132469688c39d90ed9316ee


Alf McM

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Many thanks, Alf.

McPherson's Official Medical History of the War states seventeen QAIMNSI arrived with the Lahore, Meerut and Rawalpindi British General Hospitals. But having checked the war diaries, only Watt, Knapp, Kelso, Neville, McLean, White and Bird (Rawalpindi); Rait, French, Heale, Wardle and Johnson (Lahore); and Warrack (Meerut) are mentioned. This makes thirteen. I was wondering if McPherson was wrong, but this seems unlikely. Either the remaining four QA's were attached elsewhere, or the CMO of Lahore failed to list them.


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  The Indian Army List for July 1915 includes locations in India for nurses who were presumably still in India. There are some names which do not have Indian locations shown, and these are presumably serving abroad. {I have checked lists for January and April 1915 and they show Indian place names at all nurses names}. The July 1915 nurses without Indian place names are;-

Lady Superintendent Phoebe Fowler WATT

Senior Nursing Sister Helen Anna MacDonald RAITT

Senior Nursing Sister Catherine Lumsden WARRACK

Nursing Sister Clara Hawley ANDERSON

Nursing Sister Annie Marion BIRD

Nursing Sister Agnes Gordon FRENCH

Nursing Sister Lilian Frances Mary HEALE

Nursing Sister Mary Elizabeth Tyrell HORNSBY

Nursing Sister Constance Grace JOHNSON

Nursing Sister Ethel KELSO

Nursing Sister Marion Domville KNAPP

Nursing Sister Minnie Eda McLEAN

Nursing Sister Sybil Geraldine MILLS

Nursing Sister Rosamund Lucy NEVILLE

Nursing Sister Melanie Elaine TIPPETTS

Nursing Sister Mary WARDELL

Nursing Sister Lucy Angela WHITE

This makes 17 nurses, including Miss WATT. Nursing Sisters ANDERSON, HORNSBY, MILLS & TIPPETTS are not on your list.

Miss ANDERSON is mentioned below in Maud McCarthy’s diary, but the others are not:-

Letters arrived from Miss French Q India, marked confidential, with reference to unhappy condition of things existing as far as she is concerned with Miss Watt, the Lady Superintendent. Had already arranged she was to go to Meerut operating theatre with Miss Anderson to release Miss Knapp as Matron and Miss Maclean as Sister for Calais.

I am not sure if McPherson was including Miss WATT in the 17 nurses, so there may still be 1 missing.

Indian Army List July 1915;- https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.285010/page/n605/mode/2up?q=warrack


Alf McM.

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What great detective work, Alf...

McPherson states,' The Indian Contingent had with it seventeen members of the QAIMNSI', so my interpretation is that Miss Watt was included. I think you've cracked it...well done!



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