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Help to find a certain speech by Paul von Hindenburg


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In 0:33-1:05 of Kanonenfieber's "Unterstandsangst," a speech by Hindenburg plays. I can understand a couple words, like "Gott," but I am not a German speaker and so sadly I can't search the speech up using the words.

One person claims that the speech is "Soldaten der 8. Armee!" (given after the Battle of Tannenberg, and recorded in later years) But I have looked at the words of this speech, and they do not match up with what I hear. 

A translation was provided (I'm unsure of its accuracy):

"Since neither weaponry nor hunger were able to quell Germany's will to win, the enemy resorted to malevolence. He sought to sow discord, to separate the people from their emperor. But his poisonous arrows bounced off German loyalty. Thus the German oak will defy all storms. With calm confidence we await the outcome of the struggle. The just God is with us. 'Knit to thy heart the ties of kindred—home— Cling to the land, the dear land of thy sires.'"

I am looking for a German version of this transcript, and of course to would like to find out what speech this actually is from. Thanks!


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10 hours ago, PinkPanzer said:

Do you happen to know where I can find a transcript of the speech?

The text of the recording I posted a link to, the text used by Kanonenfieber is in blue

„Deutschland steht im vierten Kriegsjahr militärisch und wirtschaftlich unerschüttert. Da Waffen und Hunger Deutschland nicht niederzwangen, griff der Feind zur Niedertracht. Er suchte, Zwietracht zu säen, das Volk von seinem Kaiser zu trennen. An der deutschen Treue sind seine Giftpfeile aber abgeprallt. So wird die Deutsche Eiche allen Stürmen trotzen. In ruhiger Zuversicht erwarten wir den Ausgang des Ringens. Der gerechte Gott ist mit uns. Ans Vaterland, ans teure schließ‘ Dich an, das halte fest mit Deinem ganzen Herzen. Hier sind die starken Wurzeln Deiner Kraft!“

and a translation

„Germany stands unshaken militarily and economically in the fourth year of the war. Since weapons and hunger did not force Germany down, the enemy resorted to perfidy. He sought to sow discord, to separate the people from their emperor. But his poisonous arrows bounced off German loyalty. Thus the German oak will defy all storms. In calm confidence we await the outcome of the struggle. The righteous God is with us. Cling to the fatherland, to the dear one, hold on to it with all your heart. Here are the strong roots of your strength!“


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