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Medical Staff serving on H.M.H.S. Nevasa


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Timeline for HMHS Nevasa (additions/corrections welcome).


The two Mabel Crook photo albums held by National Army Museum of New Zealand are a good source for names of staff on the ship. The Nevasa photos are rather scattered throughout the albums but are interesting and worth looking for. I found downloading the entire page and reading the handwriting under the photos was better than relying on the transcriber, who sometimes misread the note.

Two albums: https://nam.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/2994 & https://nam.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/4802

Susannah Josephine McGann is an easy nurse to identify, wearing glasses and with her NZANS badge, therefore dates of the group photos can be guessed at.

Group photo Sister McGann not present – Matron Amy Knaggs, Q.A.I.M.N.S. dark red cape sitting right (as viewed) to possibly Captain R N Hunt – taken perhaps between August and November 1915. https://nam.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/3167

Group photo with Sister McGann – Matron Amy Knaggs left (as viewed) to Lt.-Col. (Isaac Bomford ?) Emerson – therefore likely to have been taken in early 1916. https://nam.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/4951

Photo of Ward D on Nevasa: https://nam.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/4850

I’m not certain which hospital ship Captain Leonard Buckell Cane & Major Wilson Allan Chapple served on but the accompanying photo to this article is of a ward on HMHS Nevasa: https://rcnarchive.rcn.org.uk/volumes/55/Volume%2055%20Page%20133

* * *

H.M.H.S. Nevasa war diary. https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/1ee400f3c5984855ae70a8c38ed8981b

The digitised war diary covers the period 16.07.16 to 20.02.18 and commences with a sad incident. Lt-Col Emerson handed over troop command to R.A.M.C. Captain J. H. Jones (best match John Henry), who being a thorough invidual checked the Ordanance and Admiralty bedding against the account book furnished by A/Cpl. Oldfield of the stores and found incorrect counting. The more senior R.A.M.C. stores N.C.O., A/Sgt.-Major Howe (could be Frank no.10385?), was placed under arrest and "Severly Repremanded" for negligently keeping store accounts, demoted, and removed from the ship.

On 18.07.16 Nevasa sailed for the Mediterranean. Three days later "Man overboard" was called, the ship circled for an hour and half but no one was seen. A roll call found A/Cpl. Walter Hudson Oldfield, storekeeper was found to be the missing man. A memorial service was held for Walter by the Reverend Knight later in the evening of the 21st.

18.09.16. The decision of a Court of Enquiry after hearing evidence found "Drowned at Sea". Walter Hudson Oldfield is commemorated on the Hollybrook Memorial, Southampton.

* * *

I haven't been able to identify many nurses from the War Diary. They are rarely mentioned and only after note-worthy incidents e.g. a 'Native of the Crew' was found lurking in Sister McGann's cabin on 29.08.16.

Another occasion explains the break in the nurses service during September 1916. Nevassa docked at Bombay on 10.09.16, A/Matron & Sisters went to board & dine at the Taj Mahal Hotel. Three days later, not having returned to the ship, they where reported ill with food poisoning, Sister Bevan was in critical condition at the Colabra Hospital and Matron Orr also later transferred to hospital. On 16.09.16. replacements, A/Matron May and 13 Sisters from the Victoria Hospital, Bombay joined the ship for the trip to Basra and back. It appears from their files that many of the original nurses had recovered and were well enough to rejoin Nevasa on the 1st October 1916 at Bombay.

The 'Native of the Crew' returned to the sisters cabins on 20.09.16. when A/Matron May, S/N Lingmain ?(difficult to read) McInnes & Winterburn are mentioned. I cannot positively indentify these local replacements.

Other times nurses are refered to:

13.10.16. Miss Tew?? pay book authorised10.11.16 Miss M. Lenton joined A.A.N.S. - May Mandeville LENTON

Regards ZeZe

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  The 'Nevasa' war diary is difficult to read at times. Staff Nurse Lingmain is actually Henrietta Margaret Hamilton LONGMUIR. It took me a while to recognise the surname. She preferred to be known as 'Rita', and is another local nurse I have been researching. She was born in Bathgate. Rita served on 'Aquitania' from 2nd September 1915. On 28th December 1915 she requested a transfer to a hospital on shore. This was agreed, but it is not known where. Rita extended her Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. contract by 12 months on 5th June 1916, but resigned 7 months later to get married. By this time she was at the Station Hospital, Calcutta. She married Edwin Herbert TOWNEND in Calcutta on 6th December 1917. Her Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. records are at WO399/8405 Henrietta TOWNSEND.


Alf McM

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Hi Alf,

I found the handwriting hard going in both the photo albums and the war diary. Some of the names I’ve interpreted noted by Mabel Crook may also be incorrect.

Thanks for the Longmuir info which confirms that at least some of the short term replacement nurses were Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. - I had thought they might have been from an Indian nursing service. Any ideas on Miss Tew or Lew? - was she a nurse?

Regards ZeZe

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  Some additional nurses, from 1914-15 Star roll;-

Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. Sister Gertrude E. THOMAS – 06/02/15 {WO399/14961}

Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. Sister Marianne Ballingall BENNETT – 06/02/15 {WO399/571}

Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. Staff Nurse Grace Katherine HORSEY – 19/02/15

Q.A.I.M.N.S. Staff Nurse Lavinia Rose WYATT – 06/02/15 {WO399/9292}

Possibly T.F.N.S. Florence Sophia PACKARD – 19/10/15 {Ship recorded as ‘Nevada’} {WO399/13711}


I think Winterburn must be Mary Elizabeth WINTERBURN, Q.A.I.M.N.S.R.



Alf McM

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Hi Alf,

Thanks for the new names – they fill in some gaps for the original twelve or thirteen 06.02.15 nurses which is good. I did read Mary Elizabeth Winterburn’s file but wasn’t sure - you are probably correct. 

I now think it less likely that R.A.M.C. Captain Leonard Buckell Cane was on board Nevasa. I have just come across a couple of letters signed by him (Sept 1915) as S.M.O. i/c H.M.H.S. Devanha in Harriet JANSON’s file (WO 399/4247). The file has some interesting info – maybe I’ll update the Devanha page. This is another signature I cannot workout:


Dora?? Clarke (H.M.H.S. Devanha)

Regards ZeZe

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  The signature looks like ‘Vera CLARKE’.

There is a medal card for Vera Richardson CLARKE – ‘Takada’ {no service record}


Alf McM

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Hi Alf,

Thanks for ‘Vera' CLARKE – typical that there’s no file.

(G.E. Thomas is Grace Elizabeth THOMAS WO 399/8265, 06.02.15 to 13.10.15 when she had an ‘attack of fever’)

Regards ZeZe

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Hi ZeZe

BEVAN is Stella Louise BEAVAN

From my file on her:

She served in Egypt from the 15/6/1915 until the 11/6/1916, at which time she was transferred to the Mesopotamian Campaign, serving on the Hospital Ship Nevasa, on duty between Bombay and Basra.

Admitted to the Colaba Hospital, Bombay 12/9/1916 with cholera

Cheers, Frev

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  I was intrigued by the mention of the 'Native of the crew', so decided to transcribe the relevant entries. The writing is very challenging in parts and am stuck on a couple of words. If anyone can decipher them that would be great. I have kept the grammar as the originals but have capitalised surnames to make them stand out.

At Sea [Between Bombay and Shat-el-Arab]


10 AM.

  Sister McGANN No. 6 Cabin reports that at 1 AM she found a Native of crew in her cabin standing at bedside she tried to seize his hand but he escaped into passage where lights were out She watched and saw him return twice to Sisters Cabins in that Alley way on his second appearance she screamed out and tried to sieze him tearing off a piece of shirt She could not see his face and was unable to give an accurate description of Native. Captain of ship offered R20 as reward for information leading to his arrest. Lights is outside Sisters Cabins in Port Hallway fixed so that they can not be switched out except from Junction Box After door locked at night leading to their Hallway.


At Sea [Between Bombay and Basra Bar]


10.50 AM.

  Matron Miss MAY complained that native member of crew had visited Sister LONGMUIR and Sister McINNES cabin about 1.30 A.M. that morning the 2 sisters screamed and Sister WINTERBURN just caught a glimpse of him going away. No sign of Native Watchman to be seen. A R.A.M.C. Sentry Placed in Corridor 10PM to 6PM Two Medical Officer Capt HENDON[?] Lt STORY ordered to sleep in open cabin on that side of ship.


At Sea [Between Bombay and Basra Bar]


9.30 AM.

  Matron being present Sisters Staff Nurse LONGMUIR, McINNES WINTERBURN for an account of experiences. Staff Nurse LONGMUIR no. of Cabin 15. Door Open about 1.30 am Morning of 19th Sept awakened by being touched, sat up in bed Cabin in darkness, could not see anyone She turned on light but almost*******  ****** turned it off She then noticed a face at scuttle Went out of cabin to Corridor no Night Watchman She locked her door but did not warn any one. Staff Nurse McINNES said her door was closed {Cabin No. 2} but not locked aroused about 1.30 by being touched screamed out and a person rushed out of cabin she followed but he had gone. No night Watchman in corridor Sister Staff Nurse WINTERBURN came to Sister McINNES and they called W FITZGERALD Purser who sent to bridge One of Junior Officers came down and asked if Person had been recognized. Sister WINTERBURN Cabin 5 aroused by Sister McINNES scream her door shut, she shouted out and saw the dark lower extents and foot of a man crouching and disappearing down Corr Athwartship Corridor. Letters written to Captain requiring him to punish Night Watchman and inform Company Agents at Bombay, Calcutta.


Alf McM


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Hi Alf,

I had the gist of the story but you have done a good job on the transcribing all the details. I think the 'Native of crew' was just too quick, though he was taking a big risk. Been working on H.M.H.S. Letitia - War Diary 30.01.17. 'Temp. Cook Mira Limba awarded 30 stripes with rattan for malingering and refusing to work'. Stealing from the Sister's cabins would have had quite a punishment.

I thought the Captains name ends with a double ll so tried wildcard on the NA MIC:

i.e. H**ll, Medical & Captain. A couple of maybe’s, Hartnell, Hartwell but my best match is (checking Theatre of War and Date of Entry), Alfred Herbert HORSFALL. What do you think?

Regards ZeZe

Just googled him - Australian, maybe not on a hospital ship.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 21/04/2023 at 19:27, ZeZe said:

Australian, maybe not on a hospital ship

May not be relevant but could be related - I had a thread on a staff surgeon W.N. Horsfall, R.N. some years back:




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Hi seaJane,

I expect your thoughts that William was a relative of Alfred are correct.

The Captain’s name that’s hard to decipher occurs at least another three times in the Nevasa war diary. 

28.07.16. Capt ?? gave demonstration

24.10.16 Capt ?? on leave

23.02.17 Capt ?? on leave

It still – to me, looks like Horsfall, I had assumed he was R.A.M.C. There is another MIC possibility, a Capt. H. V. Horsfall. The unidentified Captain is often mentioned with Lt. Story (there’s a MIC for a Lt. T. C. Storey)

Regards ZeZe

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