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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Gas Casualty codes - Hospital admission books


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One and all,


Whilst researching Pte 49993 H T Chater, I note from the record of his admission to No. 18 General Hospital that he is recorded as "Gas Shell 'W' Sev(ere?)"  Quite a few of his comrades from the 1st/6th King's were admitted on the same date.  The battalion War Diary reports they had been strafed heavily with gas shells the previous day - principally Mustard.


Does anyone have a list of these code letters?



Screenshot 2023-03-05 155332.png

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They're not really codes, the W is for Wounded and Sev is Severe.

No date for your extract so I can't say how they categorised/separated Gas W from Gas S (sick).

I know at Loos in 1915 the British Troops who were 'gassed' by British gas were initially reported as Gas Wounded but then a quick memo from higher up ordered them to be shown as Gassed Sick.

May not apply to your scenario though.


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Obliged, TEW - it's from 22/3/18, by the way.

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