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Can’t understand a particular sentence in Guards Division War Diaries


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Guards Division, 1st Brigade, WO95 1213/1-3

Dear colleagues - 

“…..On the night of the 21st/22nd Sept. (1916) the Brigade moved to its left so as to be on its Battle Front – T3d.4/2 Sunken Road inclusive to T3a.7/3, the 3rd Guards Brigade being on the left and the 18th Brigade of the 6th Division on the right. Their front line was parallel to what was our first objective 300 yards ahead and south of our front line……”

I’m stumped as to the meaning of “on its Battle Front.” I‘ve seen it several times in the Diaries and never understood it. The line T3d.4/2 – T3a.7/3 was part of the first objective for the Guards Division at the Battle of Morval, which started on 25.9.16. The 1st Brigade’s front line on 25.9.16 was, I believe, from T9a.8/8 to T3c.9/9 (Mirror Trench), some 300 back and south-west from their first objective (Sheet 57c SW)

I’m hoping that someone more familiar with War Diary terminology can help.

Thanks - Bill

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Battle Front – T3d.4/2 Sunken Road inclusive to T3a.7/3, I take it as, the Brigade moved to a position, T3d.4/2, the Sunken Road up to T3a.7/3. Which will be its Width Front for the upcoming 'Battle'. The letters and numbers are map references, tied to the area of the two maps. So a constant 'Frontage' ie Facing the Enemy, was along a sunken road of a specified distance and would be the responsibility of that Brigade, it goes on to mention the parallel Brigades. This was so that the Brigades didn't get mixed once the operation commenced, each Brigade being allotted a specified length of 'Front' ...

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Dear exXIX.

Thank you for your helpful reply.However, I'm afraid your answer does not fully explain the problem.

T3d.4/2 - T3a.7/3 was the first objective .

At the time the brigade was on the front line T9a8.8 - T3c.9/9, which was 300 yards west of the first objective. So the Brigade was on the front line, and not on the first objective T3d.4/2 - T3a7/3. I think I understand that.

It's the phrase "on its battle-front" that I don't understand, especially as this phrase is followed by "T3d.4/2 - T3a.7/3". The only way I can make sense of this statement is if it means "the Brigade was on its battle-front [facing the first objective, which was] T3d.4/2 - T3a.73." But if that is the case , why not say so more clearly?

If you - or any others - have any further ideas, please let me know.

Ps - I would have uploaded a map, but don't know how, sorry. This attack was on 25/9/16, the first day of the Battle of Morval, and took place about a mile west of Lesboeufs, map 57cSW, edition 5B, trenches to 1.1.17.

Thanks - Bill

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A 'Frontage' is a Napoleonic era expression meaning 'the length of ground taken up by a Units Front Rank of men, standing shoulder to shoulder, from left to right, this was known as the 'Frontage' of those soldiers. In WW1 terms, the Front Line Trench occupied by a Brigade of Infantry, say, was the length of the trench occupied by the men and was termed as the 'Frontage' that faced the enemy in the same way...You have to remember that these 'War Diaries' were written by an Officer in his dugout in a 'Front Line Trench' usually at the end of each day, to record officially what, where and at what time, certain things happened, along with a brief description. It was written usually by candle light in poor conditions, maybe whilst being shelled. The report was then taken by messenger to the Coy, or Batt. Command Post, so writing it too long made it bulky and probably wouldn't get read at its destination because of its length ....In your example The ground between T9a8/8 - T3c.9/9 which are two map grid references on the Trench Maps of the area they were working in, would be termed the 'Frontage' of the Brigade, (without looking at the specific map) this distance would be X number of yards or miles. When attacking, the Grid Reference T3d.4/2 - T3a7/3 in this case refers to the 'Start Line' or 'Jumping off Point' for the attack. Officers had to ensure that they strictly adhered to the boundaries between flanking units, so that they wouldn't be in the impact zone of anything fired by these flanking units... 

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Thanks very much, exXIX, very helpful. I think we can close this comment now as the matter has been resolved. - Thanks again - Bill

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