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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Soldier 6th Dorsetshire

tom compton

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Granddad, Edgar Blyton Tristram joined up in 1884 as a drummer boy (no 1102) 1st battallion Dorset regiment ,discharged 1896 at Bangalore. Joining th Royal Service Reserves 1900-1901(no1859) Rejoined 1901-1903 1st Battalion Royal Garrison regiment ( no 1929) . Re-enlisted 1903 -1908 Reserve division Malitia County of Dorset (no 4678)

Joined 6th Dorsetshire1914 training near Wareham, Dorset, going to France 1915. Killed in Arras by a long range shell 13.04.1917 with a comrade John Wilkes.

Can anyone help with photos of him or his regiments or bandsman/drummer boys on !st Battallion Dorsets 1884 1896 ? All photos were distroyed when the familyhome was bombed in the 2nd world war.

Have not been able to locate any photos of him whatsoever.

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The 1st Bn Dorsetshire Regt is my passion, so your post is of great interest to me.

I have done a few cursory checks, ie WO 67/16, which simply gives his surname, 1st Bn., and shows his rank as Boy. His militia attestation will not appear in WO 96 as this covers the period 1862-1901. My records show that his RGR enlistment also does not appear in WO 96/1513, but this could in fact be in error, as his enlistment is in the time frame of the records (1901-07) and my records are only for enlistments directly from the Dorset Regt.

And coincidentally I have the QSA/1914 star trio and death plaque to 6240 Pte John Wilks, who, as you say, was killed alongside your Granddad.

As for photos I do not think I have anything but will see what I can find.



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The 1st Bn Dorsetshire Regt is my passion, so your post is of great interest to me.

I have done a few cursory checks, ie WO 67/16, which simply gives his surname, 1st Bn., and shows his rank as Boy. His militia attestation will not appear in WO 96 as this covers the period 1862-1901. My records show that his RGR enlistment also does not appear in WO 96/1513, but this could in fact be in error, as his enlistment is in the time frame of the records (1901-07) and my records are only for enlistments directly from the Dorset Regt.

And coincidentally I have the QSA/1914 star trio and death plaque to 6240 Pte John Wilks, who, as you say, was killed alongside your Granddad.

As for photos I do not think I have anything but will see what I can find.



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