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Herbert Steere L.Sgt RMLI CH7640

Guest KevinJones

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Guest KevinJones

Hi, I am trying to find out any information about Herbert Steere, Lance Serjeant, Royal Marine Light Infantry, Chatham. CH7640.

The medals that I have are 1914 Star, BWM, Victory Medal and a Ribbon where a Long Service Medal would attach to. I also have a pocket watch with his service number on the case.

Unfortunately there is no record of him at the National Archives, and am now at a dead end.

Many thanks in advance for any help or info

Kevin Jones

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Jst to check we understand your post, Kevin - are you saying that you have checked the RMLI service records at Kew, and not found him there?

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Guest KevinJones

Hello Chris, I have searched the medal cards, census and wills but have had difficulty finding the RMLI records. Can these be searched online?



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This chap is a puzzle in no mistake

If he is entitled to the 1914 Star then he should be mentioned in Fevyer & Wilson’s book [The 1914 Star to the RN & RM] but I’ve drawn a blank there!

Try the Fleet Air Arm Museum who hold the RND records and also the RM Museum, who might be able to help

Best of luck

and do let us know how you get on

Michael D.R.

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Jst to check we understand your post, Kevin - are you saying that you have checked the RMLI service records at Kew, and not found him there?


I think the MICs are only for army ... might also be some RFC. As Michael said try contacting the Fleet Air Arm archives and the RM Museum.

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I think the MICs are only for army ... might also be some RFC.  As Michael said try contacting the Fleet Air Arm archives and the RM Museum.

Woops ... quoted the wrong post but I am sure the message was clear :ph34r:

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Kevin and all,

I believe the records to be at the NA in ADM 159 for RMLI but may be in ADM 175/82A onwards.

EDIThere : The NA records cover Portsmouth only and are ADM 157.

Chatham and Plymouth are kept at Yeovilton , Fleet Air Arm museum as suggested and are kept in number order.These records are essentially complete.


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Guest KevinJones

Many thanks to you all for your help. What a great site and forum!

I have found out from his Grandson (my Uncle) that Herbert had another row of 4 medals which were passed on to his Grandaughter, who sadly passed away 30 years ago and the medals have never been seen since.

My Uncle has also informed me that Herbert was eventually a Colour Sergeant in the early 20's and then went on to serve in Home Coastal Defence through WW II.

So, next stop FAA. I'll let you know what I come up with.

Kind Regards

Kevin Jones

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So, next stop FAA. I'll let you know what I come up with.

Hi Kevin

If I were you, I’d go back to Kew because his attestation and his register of service should be there, check through the indexes in ADM 313. Early attestations are in ADM 157 (up to 1912 for Chatham) and all registers of service in ADM 159, the latter is in service number order and you want the Chatham Division, but the books were handed over to Kew at separate time, and they don’t go up in sequence. His RM medal roll is in ADM 171/171.

Btw his service number means that he probably joined up in the 1890s, so he could have had a China, QSA or others of the late Victorian/ Edwardian colonial wars medals plus any WW2 medals for that service.

All the best


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Guest KevinJones

Hello Fred. Thank you for the heads up, but ADM313 is microfiche only, and as I live in the NorthEast of England with limited funds, I will have trouble getting there, It would be outstanding to find out about Herberts service record and details about the missing 4 medals.

Kind Regards

Kevin Jones

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Hello Kevin,

See Michaeldr's RM, RN, RNVR & RNR thread in ships & navies too.

Unfortunately there is not much online to help with these branches of research. His record of service, for CH7640, is on microfilm in ADM 159/47, maybe someone going to the PRO will do a look up for you. It might not have his WW2 service, it depends whether the unit was part of the Royal Marines and they added on to his existing record. The WW2 medal rolls aren't open yet.


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