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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Somme Trip


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Ann, Chloe and myself will be staying in Albert (Basilique) and driving around in a Silver Landrover Discovery.......

Is anyone else going to be over at the same time?



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Any chance you are passing Louvencourt on the Doullens - Albert road ? I am trying to obtain some photos from the Military Cemetery there.

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If Mike can't, I can do at the end of the month.


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Shouldn't be a problem.

Email me the details today, as we're off early in the morning



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What a great trip..... in no particular order...

Learnt loads, found places where soldiers we've researched were lost, weather was ok, having a 4x4 very useful, Hotel Basilique was fine, food was excellent, Avril was friendly, Le Tommy plate of chips was enormous, Thiepval very moving, Chloe laid a cross for Ben Duckworth - 8th East Lancs, new visitors centre excellent, Redan Ridge bleak on a windy day, Munich Trench and Waggon Road Cemetaries remembering Ben 16th November 1916 and his mates, found relics in Flatiron Copse - kept one cartridge case, Delville Wood peaceful in late afternoon sunshine, Devonshires still hold their trench, Newfoundland Park incredible, Serre Road No 2 so large, Guillemont Road remembering Thomas Brazandale 1/5 Kings Liverpool - 8th August 1916, over 150 photos, a couple blurred though - so we'll have to go back!



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Thank you very much for taking time to get the photos, I will pass them on to his sister’s granddaughter, she will be delighted.

The cemetery is beautiful and well cared for by CWGC, as is usual. It is a credit to them.

Capt Begg was from an Aberdeenshire farming family and I feel sure he will feel quite at peace resting, as the photos show, in the midst of a farm / farmland.

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