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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Returned 1915 Star


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I ahve just donwloaded an MIC and note that beside the 1915 Star Medal Roll Reference, it states "Retd (992 K.R. 1923)"

Can anyone enlighten me as to what 992 of the Kings Regs refers to. I can't seem to ascertain anything from my reference books to date.

He qualified Balkans 14th nov 1915, and I have his Vic and BWM

Many thanks in advance.


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I would obtain the Roll page,there is a strong possibilty that the Reason for the Stars return is stated on the Roll,He certainly qualified by Date,so it may be he "lost" it due to some misdemeanour or other that required its Forefeit?

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I had the same question try this



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I now have the medals in question per my first post. They are mounted for wear on a Bar.................. Trio of Ribbons, but without the Star. Obviously the star was restusned for some reason and never reclaimed ????

The Plot Thickens


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