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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Tracing great grandfathers fellow stretcher bearer


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This an absolutely huge shot in the dark but if anyone can help either directly or point me to a source that may be able to help, it would be appreciated.


My Great Grandfather William Patrick Brewer was in the RAMC 60th Field Ambulance 20th Div when he and a fellow stretcher bearer Private Gill were gassed on the 14th August 1917. Both of them were mentioned in that days war diary. What I would really like to do is to trace who Private Gill was so as to help complete the picture of my Great Grandfathers war record.



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W P Brewer 77044 from Liverpool is in a Casualty List dated 25/9/17 which seems right for a mid-August incident.

G A Gill 31151 is in a similar list for 22/9/17. From Deepcar.

There is also J G Gill who was reported killed 24/9/17, seems unlikely.

See if you can tie G A Gill to 60th FA.

Have you been right through the diary for other mentions of either man?


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Thanks TEW

I'll have a look at seeing if I can connect GA Gill to 60 FA

I've been through most of the diary but need to look again. Trouble is trying to decipher the doctors handwriting sometimes  🙂 



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  • Admin

There’s a few of us who are ok reading Drs handwriting, might be worth you posting excerpts? 

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60 Field Ambulance arrived in France on 21 Jul 15 (War Diary - Ancestry):


So did 31151 Pte G A Gill - (Medal Roll - Ancestry):


Coincidence or proof?


Edited by Acknown
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Hi Acknown

Now that is very interesting. While not 100% proof, the odds are stacked in favour of it being the same person I think.

Really appreciate the work you've done. 





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Looking at next page of RAMC medal roll to that posted above (more men with 21/7/15 entry date), there's an MM award to CR Gibbs 30183 and he was 60th FA, so theory holds good. I tried to find svc records for others but no luck.

Edited by charlie962
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From Pension Card (Fold3 via WFA): George Alvan Gill, and:


No unit or injury/disease mentioned. Claim was rejected, 'no grounds' as above.


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