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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

hunts scouts

Chris Boonzaier

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Can anyone tell me what part "Hunt´s Scouts" played in South West Africa?

They must have been attached to one of the mounted brigades, but which one?



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Probably a total red herring but as no-one else has responded .....

Could the 'Hunts' be short for 'Huntindon' as in a post under 'Units and Formations', rather than a being persons name?

As I said, probably just a red herring!


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It is possible that Hunt's Scouts were one of the minor units which made up 3/5 South African Mounted Brigade.

Do you have any further info on the unit which could assist in confirmation of this?

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The only mention of Hunt's Scouts that I have come across is a paragraph from Dr. H.F.B. Walker's account of his time in Damaraland during WW1. The diary is on line.

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Thanks for the info. an interesting read and a lead to go on.

Chris this is from Myrtle's reference. I'll do some further digging,

Six men of Hunt's scouts captured twenty-four Germans the other night. It was very dark, and the scouts heard some waggons lumbering along the road, so they lined up in the bush close to where the waggons were to pass. The unsuspecting Huns were riding on the waggons, some being asleep, and were quite taken by surprise when our men appeared suddenly out of the bush. Pointing their rifles at the reposing foe, with a "Come down out of that!" the thing was accomplished. Having no bayonets, the scouts mounted guard with the weapons of the prisoners, whom they put in a cattle kraal for safety's sake until the morning. The prisoners' disgust was extreme, next morning, when they saw how few their captors were, and they were inclined to be truculent; but a few prods with their own bayonets quickly rendered them docile.

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