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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Hospital Records for Dover Military Hospital?

Poppy Mercier

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I'm trying to do some research into my partner's Great Uncle, Stanley Gates, who died at Dover Military Hospital in October 1916 

At the time, he was serving with 7th Bn The Buffs, and we believe he was wounded on the 1st July in the Mametz-Carnoy area. His story is quite a sad one, he was recuperating for several months and suddenly got orders to go back to the front (he was meant to be transfered to home duties with the RFC) and decided he couldn't take it, so ended his life in the hospital latrines

Does anyone know if any patient records for Dover exist? We'd be very interested to know what his injuries were, and when specifically he was injured. Sadly no surviving service record. He's buried back home in Herne, Kent

(To add: you can read the inquest as written in the local paper: http://sussexhistoryforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=4043.0 ) 

Edited by Poppy Mercier
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On 15/07/2022 at 17:34, Poppy Mercier said:

I'm trying to do some research into my partner's Great Uncle, Stanley Gates, who died at Dover Military Hospital in October 1916

Hi Poppy, you seem to have been overlooked so I will post what I know, then some one else may spot your post and be able to help more? From a look on ancestry there are a number of public open family trees with a picture of Stanley wearing his uniform. On one picture is is quite obvious he is wearing a wound stripe on his lower left sleeve. Now is this from receiving a wound prior to the one that put him into Dover Military hospital? His MIC states Died of Wound (Self Inflicted) 3-10-1916 My heart goes out to him and his family as there was no help for his mind, thinking he must end himself. Possibly after the first wound and experiences in the trenches there was no way he could go through it all again. There are very few soldiers/hospital records left anymore so looking on 'Scarlet finders' all we have is a general overview. Link here;http://www.scarletfinders.co.uk/125.html   Best wishes, Bob.

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