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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Online: A History of the British Cavalry, Vols 5-6-7 by Anglesey. Egypt-Pal.-Syria/Mesopotamia/Western Front


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The following are available on the Internet Archive (archive.org) as Books to Borrow which means they need to be read online and can't be downloaded.  (Conditions may differ if you are registered as having a print disability). Initial borrow last for one hour, but you can re-borrow.

A History of the British Cavalry, 1816-1919 by The Marquess of Anglesey 

Volume 5 1914-1919 Egypt, Palestine and Syria p 1994  https://archive.org/details/historyofbritish0000angl_f1m1/mode/2up

Volume 6 1914-1918 Mesopotamia  p 1995  https://archive.org/details/historyofbritish0000angl_a6v0

Volume 7 The Curragh Incident and the Western Front, 1914 p 1996 https://archive.org/details/historyofbritish0000angl_f3h2/mode/2up 

There is a further volume on the Great War period which  unfortunately  does not appear to be  available  online for free, but there is an online version to buy.

Volume 8 The Western Front 1915-1918; Epilogue 1919-1939, published 1997.

Also available online  is Volume 2 1851-1871 p 1975. Includes the Persian War 1856-57; Indian Mutiny; China War 1860; Abyssinian Campaign 1867-68 



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This is great Maureen, thanks.


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