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Unnamed LS&GC medal


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I have in my possession a seven medal group to an officer of 2nd Dragoons. He was awarded his LS&GC medal in 1919, but the medal with the group is unnamed - although it has not been erased. How unusual is this, and have any forum members encountered an allegedly issued, but unnamed medal before? I would welcome your thoughts on this.






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I'm no medal expert but I've always been under the impression that, during the time frame we're interested in, the LS&GC medal was only awarded up to warrant officer rank and not to commissioned officers?  Did the officer concerned have a significant period of rank service before his commission?


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Hi Steve,

Captain Elliott was a W.O. Cl.1 up until being commissioned as Quartermaster on December 31st 1924. He was then promoted to Captain (Quartermaster) on December 31st 1932.




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Steve, his LS should deffo be named & would be named to him as a WO1 if he was awarded it in 1919.

It is possible his named LS was split from his 1WW medals sometime in the past, & possibly a previous collector has replaced it with an unnamed medal to represent his entitlement.

Unnamed LS medals I have seen in the past but usually VR issues. I dont know how common un named  Geo V issues would be.

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3 hours ago, RNCVR said:

his LS should deffo be named & would be named to him as a WO1 if he was awarded it in 1919.

It is possible his named LS was split from his 1WW medals sometime in the past, & possibly a previous collector has replaced it with an unnamed medal to represent his entitlement.

He was clearly awarded the LS&GC medal as per the register...


[Image from NA ref WO 102/18-1]

I suspect you're probably correct and that it's been split from the group at some point and later replaced with an unnamed medal to represent the entitlement.


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Steve, his LS medal would be named to him as in that register, his rank would appear as it is noted but as it has been cut off at bottom I am unable to read it, but the top part appears to be SJT MJR.


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Thanks for the replies, but just to clarify... the dealer that I purchased the group from made no claims about the LS&GC. It was clearly stated as: 'unnamed - not erased,' which is correct.  I have only ever seen LS&GC with names and names erased, whereas this one has never been named - hence the reason for my question.

Captain Elliott was RSM to the Scots Greys from July 6th 1916 until he was commissioned as their Quartermaster on December 31st 1924. On February 2nd 1918 he was presented with the Belgian Croix de Guerre in the field for: "distinguished services rendered during the course of the campaign." And on June 3rd 1924 he was made a Member of the British Empire (Military Division). The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Museum said of Captain Elliott in January 2019:

'Captain Elliott was a brilliant and accomplished athlete -- with skills in rugby, football, hockey, cricket, squash, tennis and golf. Indeed he was one of the most versatile athletes the Army has ever seen. He was also a highly skilled swordsman and winner of several sabre championships at the Royal Tournament. Captain Elliott was not only a decorated athlete, but an outstanding soldier.'

 I have added a scan of the regimental war diary covering Elliott's presentation of the Belgian Croix de Guerre. There were just 5620 awards made of this medal to British troops during the course of the war, so it makes it a fairly scarce medal. Captain Elliott is pictured in the back row, second from right. At the time the picture was taken in India (1924), he was Quartermaster.







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