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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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Looking for some inspiration - a Town with 'no names'


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Evening All,

A bit of a strange request that I hope isn't common at towns and villages across the UK, but you never know.

Unfortunately in my home town of Merthyr Tydfil (in the South Wales valleys), whilst there is a 'formal' war memorial, there is no definitive list of the men who gave their lives in the world wars (or more recent conflicts).

There is a  backstory behind this, but long story short, due to the number of casualties from WW1 alone (over 1100), it was decided that this was too many to place on the memorial, but a memorial book would be produced. This unfortunately never materialised. This has meant that a few smaller memorials have cropped up with the name of the fallen within their own small area of Merthyr.

A list was pulled together in 1931, but it seems that a number of men have been accidentally missed. I have taken on the task of compiling a definative list of the men from the Great War (which is a big task!).

So my question is, what have your local towns done to commemorate a larger number of fallen men and women? Do they have a memorial book? A panel wall with names? Something else? I am looking for some ideas as to what may be possible in the future - when I get there!



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28 minutes ago, GMB said:

So my question is, what have your local towns done to commemorate a larger number of fallen men and women? Do they have a memorial book? A panel wall with names?

This is what they did in Bangor, to commemorate the 8,500 men of supposedly Gwynedd and Powys (but also Clwyd) who died in the Great War. The upstairs contains oak panels that are carved with the names of all the men. As with all memorials, whether the list is complete or nor of course is unknown.


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