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Canadian Military Medals


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Thanks for the link; I was unable to find the airman that I am looking for on there (AL Corson), but I don't know if the document I have refers to him as a Canadian, awarded the Military Medal or a Canadian awarded a Canadian Military Medal. 

Any further thoughts would be very much appreciated




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Is this your man?

Regimental Number: 2024
Date of Birth: 1888-03-27

Library and Archives Canada, soldiers of the First World War: https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/first-world-war/personnel-records/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=118366 

Link to PDF service record: http://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?op=pdf&app=CEF&id=B2019-S047

There does not appear to be any mention of the award of a Military Medal in his CEF service record.

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Apart from the London Gazette entry that just gives his name and the fact that he was from Welland, Ontario, the only reference I have ever come across re his Military Medal was the attached note  that was in amongst his WO339/133370 Officer Paperwork :-




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I also posted this on another forum several years ago. :-  Hi,

I have been trying to gain information on the reason for 97613 Sgt Arthur Leopold Corson being awarded the Military Medal whilst serving as an Aerial Gunner with 9 Squadron. The MM was Gazetted on 14th January 1918.
I have gone through many of the original documents held at Kew but unfortunately the original paperwork concerning the award is missing from the 9 Squadron files. I have seen a few references elsewhere to the award being for " Good work as an Air Gunner with approximately 130 hours flying time." but I can find no proof of this wording.
However, when going through the records, I came across a reference in a short history of 9 Squadron written by Major J T Rodwell in January 1919. Major Rodwell took over 9 Squadron in November 1917.
He writes that " Sergt. Corson won the M.M. for general good work as an Observer and for landing his machine after the pilot had been killed ".
Looking through the daily records etc I can find no references to any of his pilots being killed whist he was flying with them, the only date I can see that may fit this incident is 21st October 1917.
On that day the records show that RE8 3825 with Lt P Dixon and Sgt Corson took off at 12.20 to take Photographs. They were attacked by a formation of 18 E.A. & the Pilot was wounded in the leg. They were forced to land at No 29 Squadron ( See Combat Report ). Sadly this Combat report is either missing or wrongly filed.
Later the same day Major Hunter, who I believe was OC of 9 Squadron at the time, and Sgt Corson brought the machine back to 9 Squadron's base at Proven.
This is where my problems begin.
I believe that the pilot involved was actually 2 Lt C P Dixon who died from wounds on 25th October 1917. The wounds were sustained on 21st October 1917.
In later 9 Squadron records made after the War 2 Lt C P Dixon is listed as being Injured Accidentally on 21st October 1917 and he died of those injuries on 25th October 1917. I can find no reference elsewhere to the cause being Accidental.
He is shown on the CWGC site as being 2 Lt Charles Penrose Dixon, died 25/10/1917 and is buried at Mendinghem Military Cemetery.
He is in Soldiers Died in the Great War as being 2 Lt Charles Penrose Dixon, died of wounds 25/10/1917
He is in Airmen Died in the Great War as 2 Lt Charles Penrose Dixon , died of wounds, 25/10/1917, wounds received on 21/10/1917.
His Air76 just names him as C P Dixon and also shows him as being wounded on 21/10/1917 and later dying from wounds.
DeRuviny's Roll of Honour has him as 2 Lt Carl Penrose Dixon, died at 12 Casualty Clearing Station ( I believe that at this time they were based at Needingham ). He died on 25/10/1917 from wounds received in action on 21/10/1917 when he was engaged in artillery observation work.
His baptism records seem to prove that his correct name was Carl Penrose Dixon and not Charles Penrose Dixon
I feel that the late reference to his death as being due to accidental injuries was incorrect and he was indeed wounded on 21st October 1917 whilst flying with Sgt Corson succumbing to these wounds a few days later. The reference to Sgt Corson landing the machine with a dead pilot is wrong but landing with a badly wounded pilot who died a few days later could be what actually happened.
How do I prove this to be the case ? Does anyone have a copy of the original citation or of the missing Combat Report ?
Happy for any information regarding the MM and this incident even if it means shooting my theory down in flames.


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Thank you all for your time and effort; very much appreciated, as always.

I will pass the information on to the family member who raised the subject on the 35 Squadron Research FB page (Corson being posted to 35 Squadron during 1918)




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