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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Looking to speak to a local

Codex canadensis

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Good day,

I am interested in speaking with any local farmers around the immediate vicinity of the Passchendaele New British Cemetery. Does anyone have a contact in the area? 
I’m curious about the pre-war history of the farms and families that lived in and around the Ravebeek Valley. If anyone could put me in contact with someone local who might be interested in talking about the history of local farming I would be grateful. 
Thank you, M.

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Varlet Farm is very close to the Passchendaele New British Cemetery.....and is both a working farm,  a popular WW1  b&b and a WW1 museum/visitor centre.

You can readily find their website with contact details, family names etc

Subject to your persuasion, they may be willing to answer your questions regarding history of local farming....or refer you to a.n.other with relevant knowledge



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A few kilometres from Passchendaele New British Cemetery.

The guy is called Stijn, and he's farming on his ancestral farm. Keeps a museum with all that he finds on his land, including (the remains of) a tank.


And through Stijn's website: Enrique at https://brayfarmcollection.weebly.com/

Located in Guynemer, 2 miles from Paschendaele New British Cemetery



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Thank you for the suggestions! I will absolutely follow up on them. I’ve also just stumbled upon the CAG (Centrum Agrarische Geschiedenis) which preserves and studies the agricultural heritage of rural life in Flanders since 1750. Hopefully google translate can bridge the divide enough to allow my questions to make sense.

I will update this post with my results.


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