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ASC 4th Division T -Help with MIC please


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Hello Everyone-Hope you can help me please.I have downloaded the MICfor my Grandfather Frederick HINDE. He was in the ASC and was a driver of horses.

His Card says

4th Division T ASC


Reg No I 33513

Qualifying Date 22.8.14

He has Victory,British Medal & 14 Star.

Is 3 COY the abbreviation for 3rd Company ?

The registration Number-Is that his army number ?

What is the Qualifying date -the first day of his 1st WWar involvement ?

Please advise me what they all mean -Much Appreciated

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Hello Mavis

Your grandfather was a regular soldier or a recalled reservist, for 22.8.14 was the date he landed in France with the Horsed Transport of No 3 Company ASC, in the 4th Division.

Along with his chums in the Division he went straight into the Battle of Le Cateau on 26 August.

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Thanks Chris,For your reply and information.My Dad who is 77was thrilled to find out detail.As with many,his father would never talk about it.

How Do I find out what this Company & Division did during the War,other battle dates and movements etc?

My Grandfather loved his horses and was very upset when the two horses he had brought through the war,were branded and one sent to Belguim & one to France.

He feared the worse for at least one of them.

Thank you for your expert guidance.

We think my Grandfather joined the ASC in 1912,having joined the Grenadier Guards initially,but obviously didn't make the grade and was asked to transfer to the ASC.

Apparently he was taught to ride bareback.

Kind Regards

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Mavis, you can get a bit of a feel for the activities of the 4th Division by clicking here.

You will see that the third ASC Company in the Division was No. 32 Company ASC. Their daily war diary is likely to be at the National Archives in Kew.

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thank you Chris & Paul.

Am I reading it right that the Divisional Train 3rd company,(which was the 32 ASC

listed in the link to 4th Division that Chris gave me).were not used for the first battleof Le Cateau.

The War diary of the No3 Company ASC,including the Horsed Transport is likely to be at Kew,but listed under No 32 Company ASC-Have I understood that right also?

Thanks for clarification.Thank You.

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I am not a Kew person so I will relate the bare information as given by Young and perhaps someone else can sort out the conundrum?

In Annex Q (page 270) of Michael Young’s history of the ASC 1902-1918 he gives

ASC Co. 32, Western Front 4th Division – Role; Train No. 2 Company (HT)

WO95 1476 and 4533

But he also gives

ASC Co.18, Western Front 4th Division – Role; Train No. 3 Company (HT)

WO95 1476

Which ever is the Company you are looking for then WO95 1476 is probably a good place to start

I hope that this helps

Michael D.R.

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Thank you for that.Grahame Kingston has offered to do look up for me at Kew on Saturday.I have forwarded your info to him.

Much Appreciated.


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