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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Pension Card Abreviations


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As the WFA have recently released the pension records of soldiers who survived I have been able to find the following 2 records for my father Tom Richards.

His service record did not survive so my only previous documented record for him was his medal card/roll which showed him to have served in the East Riding Yorkshire Yeomanry and in the AVC and discharged to Z reserve.

The latest pension card release however shows that he also served in the Labour Corp whcih is new to me and also gives an address which I know through other family research to be correct.

As I was unable to find a service record for him I wrote to the MOD in case he had continued to serve after 1920, but they could find no record.

Can anyone interpret the pension card for me? I am particularly interested in when he may have been discharged and if there are any other sources that I should be looking to.

Grateful thanks for any information and advice






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The pension card shows that he was discharged to the Class Z reserve - effectively he was discharged subject to a potential recall if the armistice failed. The pension started on 15 March 1920 which would have been at the time of his discharge.



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Thanks Craig for that info, at least that's one of my unknowns sorted out!

If he was transferred to the Labour Corp after 11/11/18 would that be why it was not mentioned on his Medal Card?

I wonder what his 14/- a week pension was for? I don't recall that he had any particular obvious disability.



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On 14/04/2021 at 17:44, chrisrichards said:

I wonder what his 14/- a week pension was for?

@ss002d6252 should be able to help you with a percentage level of disability [and perhaps a guidance illustration of what sort of disability that might have been - there was a guide to such] - taking his rank as Sgt.

:-) M

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A Sgt would be a Class 3 pension so. 14s  would appear to fit with a 30% disability (which covers things such as loss of a thumb, or a few 3/4 fingers, but minor level injuries and disabilities also came in to this sort of range).



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Thank you Matlock and Craig,

This fits with my memory of my Dad saying he was wounded by a shell at Gaza. He had a long scar on his right calf to prove it!



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