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119 Siege Bty RGA


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Can anyone please help me,I'm trying to find out where/what were 119 Siege Bty RGA doing from 1/1/18 to 26/3/18,I'm particulary interested in any mentions of 2nd Lt A.G.Richardson.

Any info will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks.


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119SB RGA were Army Troops, part of 77 Brigade RGA, Second Army as of November 1918.

This would place them somewhere around Ypres. It is most probable this was the situation at the date of your interest.

The War Diary for this battery kept at the NA does not cover the period of your interest .

119 SB

but that of 77 Brigade does.

77 Brigade

The most likely source of additional diaries and information would be the RA Museum Library (Firepower) at Woolwich. Their website is here:-



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The History of the 77th Brigade, R.G.A. states the following concerning 119 Siege Battery, RGA from 1 January 1918 to 27 May 1918: "During this period of nine months [March-December 1917] the battery saw very heavy fighting and suffered casualties. When taken out of the line for a month in January 1918 it was very largely composed of reinforcements with little or no training and badly needed a rest. On May 12 1918 the battery was taken out of the line and with other batteries of the 77th Brigade to refit, and on May 18th entrained at Argues for the south, joining IX Corps near Fismes. The battery records were all lost in Gernicourt Wood on May 27, 1918."

Lieut. A. G. Richardson is not mentioned. He was appointed as a 2nd Lieutenant, RGA Special Reserve, Supplementary Officer on 22 May 1917. Promoted to Lieutenant, RGA on 22 November 1918. It is quite likely that his service papers can be found under WO 339 at the National Archives.

Regards. Dick Flory

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Hi Dick,

Many thanks for your help,I'm sorry for the delay in my reply,I've been away on holiday.

Many thanks.


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Stu, in my post above I wrote:

Second Army as of November 1918

This is not correct as Dick has indicated.

What I really mean is that the last record received from this battery shows them to be Second Army .

As Dick has shown the battery subsequently moved and due to events the war diary for the later period does not exist.


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