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One CEF soldier's story


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I just received a trio to 413 Gnr.Clement Thomas,CFA from Eugene Ursual, and his file makes for interesting reading, although his career in France was to be brief.

Clement Thomas was born in Winnipeg on 24 Nov.,1893. On his attestation paper he indicated that he was unmarried, Roman Catholic, a labourer, and had no previous military service. He was 5 Ft., 8 in. tall, with black hair, blue eyes, and a dark complexion. His enlistment took place on 8 Dec.,1914, and he became a member of No.3 Section, 2nd Divisional Ammunition Column.

Thomas embarked on the SS Corinthian on 16 May,1915 for the UK, arriving on the 27th. He soon had his first brush with the military justice system, as on 6 July he was given 14 days CB and forfeited two days pay for being AWOL.

On 16 Sept., Thomas and his unit arrived in France, and he behaved himself for a few weeks. However,on 2 December, he was sentenced to 20 days Field Punishment No.2 for a total of five offences: 1. Drunkeness 2. Absent Without Leave from 1800 hrs 27 Nov. to 2000 hrs 29 Nov. 3. Resisting arrest 4. Striking an NCO in the execution of his duty 5. Interfering with M.M.P. in the execution of his duty. He also forfeited three days pay.

His unit must have decided that his services should be employed by another unit, as on 17 Dec. he was attached to the 2nd Canadian Division Trench Mortar Brigade. On 5 Jan.,1916 he was transferred to the 4th Brigade,CFA, and again attached to the trench mortars. Sadly he was not to be with this formation long, as on 14 January he was killed in action. As the division was not engaged in any major battle during the period, his death should probably be listed as one of the many that can be considered as the wastage or attrition of trench warfare.

Thomas's 1914-15 star is named to him in the 2/CAN.DIV.A.C. while his war and victory medals are named the the C.F.A. The CWGC site records his unit as the 4th Brigade,CFA. After the war his medals, plaque, and scroll were sent to his father W.H.Thomas in Winnipeg, while a memorial cross was presented to his mother.

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