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American Soldier Records


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Where might one go to find information on US soldiers who served in WW1?



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Thanks Barry. Could you tell me where on ancestry? I have ordinary subscription but know someone who has high level so could ask if i know where to send him - if you get my logic?



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Hi Gerard,

"Search all records", Collection Focus, "USA" and it will bring up the censuses and WW1 Draft Registration Cards.

Regards Barry


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Cheers Barry. I have their Draft Reg Cards but it does not state if they served overseas........

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It'll be quite difficult. There was a fire in the archives in St Louis which destroyed the records of WW1 servicemen (the fire was in 1971 or 1974, not sure when). Some States have a summary of WW1 service and there are some books which give county or statewide service. You might be fortunate and find your man that way. Good luck.


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Not everyone who had a draft card served in the army as far as I know.

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Given that most US Army service records went up in smoke in 1973, one of the more useful sources to determine if/when a doughboy went to Europe is the Ancestry dataset titled 'U.S., Army Transport Service, Passenger Lists, 1910-1939'

In addition, it includes details on those whose remains were repatriated postwar to the US.

If you are lucky, your man has a summary of his service record recorded on a roll of honour for a given state. The New York records provide some good information in this regard. Given that battle clasps were given with the Victory Medal, clasp entitlement is recorded in some cases.

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Thanks everyone. A friend told me to check the 1930 US cenus as it asks if you served overseas with the armed forces. It seems the 2 brothers I am researching did not. Two other brothers did from Ireland with one KIA (story back-fill) 



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